Subordinating conjunctions connect clauses, but an obvious relationship exists between them. A clause must be dependent on another for the entire meaning and significance of the sentence to be made clear. |
als (when) |
Als ich jung war, war ich sehr frech. |
When I was young, I was very sassy. |
To describe events of the past. These events are usually singular, completed moments that aren’t ongoing. |
anstatt (instead of) |
Ich gehe zu Fuß, anstatt mit dem Auto zu fahren. |
I walk instead of driving my car. |
Presents an action, event or object that opposes, or is an alternative to, the formerly-mentioned action, event or object. |
bevor (before) |
Bevor meine Eltern kommen, müssen wir das Wohnzimmer aufräumen. |
Before my parents come, we have to clean up the living room. |
Implies an action that has or should come before another action. Bevor is not used for nouns. |
da (as, because) |
Da sie viele Meetings hat, arbeitet sie heute im Büro. |
Since she has a lot of meetings, she’s working in the office today. |
Describes a causal relationship between clauses. Unlike denn, da can be used at the start of the sentence. |
damit (so that, in that order) |
Lass uns später losfahren, damit wir nicht im Stau stecken bleiben. |
Let’s leave later so we don’t get stuck in traffic. |
Presents a causal, and often sequential, relationship between clauses. The clause following damit explains the purpose for the previous clause. |
dass (that) |
Ich hoffe, dass du kommen kannst. |
I hope that you can come. |
Introduces a dependent clause that provides further explanation to the main independent clause. In some cases, native German speakers may not include dass in a sentence, if the overall context already implies it (in these instances, the sentence is essentially just two or more independent clauses with no verb order movement). |
falls (in case) |
Kaufen Sie Medikamente, falls Sie krank werden. |
Buy some medicine in case you get sick. |
Presents conditional scenarios; falls is derived from der Fall (case, issue). Often, falls is used to describe precautionary events that aren’t known to occur with certainty. |
indem (by) |
Sie hat Englisch gelernt, indem sie fünf Jahre in Amerika gewohnt hat. |
She learned English by living in America for five years. |
Presents the cause or method of a mentioned scenario/event, or the means in which a “goal” is reached. |
nachdem (after, afterwards) |
Sie macht ein Nickerchen, nachdem sie ihre Arbeit erledigt hat. |
She takes a nap after she finishes her work. |
Implies an action that has or should come after another action. Nachdem is not used for nouns. |
ob (whether/or not, if) |
Sie wollen wissen, ob Greta das Abendessen kochen kann. |
They want to know whether Greta can cook dinner. |
A restricted “if” that applies solely to “yes/no” scenarios. This is unlike falls, which can be used more broadly. |
obgleich (although, albeit, even though) |
Er wollte mittanzen, obgleich er ungeschickt ist. |
He wanted to dance along with everyone, even though he is clumsy. |
Describes a condition or scenario that leads to a contradictory or unanticipated event. Used more often in text than in casual conversation. |
obwohl (although, albeit, even though) |
Er gewann das Rennen, obwohl er nicht trainierte. |
He won the race although he didn’t practice. |
The same function as obgleich, although obwohl is used more commonly in spoken conversation. |
seit (since) |
Seit ich ein Teenager war, kaue ich Kaugummi. |
Since I was a teenager, I’ve been chewing gum. |
Describes an event that has started in the past and is implied to be ongoing. |
sobald (once, as soon as, by the time) |
Sobald Sie angekommen sind, rufen Sie mich an. |
Once you are ready, meet me at the restaurant. |
Expresses an event that would occur immediately after another event occurs. |
sodass (so, with the result that) |
Der Flug hatte Verspätung, sodass wir den letzten Zug nach Hause verpasst haben. |
The flight was delayed, so we missed the last train home. |
Instead of indicating intention, it instead points to the result of an action, whether intentional or not. |
sofern (provided, as long as) |
Ich kann einen Kuchen backen, sofern du die Zutaten kaufst. |
I can bake a cake, provided you buy the ingredients. |
etails conditions for an event to occur. Considered a bit more formal than falls. |
solange (so long as, while) |
Solange Sie Ihren Hund haben, sind Sie in Sicherheit. |
So long as you have your dog, you will be safe. |
Cognate of English “so long.” Details a (usually ongoing) condition in which a scenario would occur. |
sonst (otherwise) |
Ich muss los, sonst komme ich zu spät zur Arbeit. |
I have to go, otherwise I’ll be late for work. |
Presents a scenario that would occur as a result of not following a condition or action. Often used to present warnings or precautions. |
soweit (insofar as, as far as) |
Soweit ich weiß, funktioniert der Computer. |
As far as I know, the computer works. |
Describes a degree (abstract or concrete) in which an action or scenario reaches. |
statt (instead of) |
Warum drehst du die Heizung auf, statt einen Pulli anzuziehen? |
Why are you turning the heating up instead of putting on a sweater? |
A shortened, more informal version of anstatt, with the same function: presents an action, event or object that opposes, or is an alternative to, the formerly-mentioned action, event or object. |
um..zu (in order to) |
Er geht in die Bibliothek, um zu lernen. |
He goes to the library in order to study. |
Presents a reason or purpose for an action or scenario. When using um…zu, the infinitive form of a verb is used. |
während (while) |
Sie arbeitet am Computer, während er die Wohnung putzt. |
She works on her computer whilst he cleans the apartment. |
Describes events that would occur simultaneously. |
weil (because) |
Sie ist wütend, weil sie ihre Brieftasche verloren hat. |
She is angry because she lost her wallet. |
Presents a causal relationship between clauses. Unlike denn, weil can be used at the start of a sentence. |
wann (if, when) |
Sag mir, wann du zur Party kommst. |
Tell me when you are coming to the party. |
Describes a specific point in time in which something occurs, which will usually lead to another action. |
wenn (if, whenever) |
Wenn Sie Fahrrad fahren, tragen Sie immer Ihren Helm. |
Whenever you ride a bike, always wear your helmet. |
Presents conditional scenarios, typically repeated ones as opposed to singular scenarios or events that occur at a specific point in time. Therefore, wenn is not necessarily restricted to temporal situations and is more versatile than wenn in function. |
wie (how, like/similar) |
Können Sie mir sagen, wie ich zum Bahnhof komme? |
Can you tell me how to get to the train station? |
Presents a clause that asks or provides more information about a mentioned action. |
wo (where) |
Wissen Sie, wo das Klassenzimmer ist? |
Do you know where the classroom is? |
Presents a clause that asks or provides information about a specific location. |