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Alvl P2: Telescopes (optional) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

aqa A-level physics Year 2 (yr13) Astrophysics: Optional topic >Subtopic in astrophysics

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Convex Lens
() - *focuses incident light
Concave Lens
)( - spreads out* incident light
Principle Axis
the line passing through the centra of the lens, 90' to its surface
Real Image
formed when light rays cross after refraction
Virtual Image
formed on the same side of the lens, where the rays dont cross
Power of a lens
a measure of how closely a lens can focus a beam that is parallel to the princple axis


Lens formula- 1/f
1/u +1/v ---(where u is the d from object to centre of lens, v is image for centre and f is focal length)
Power (diopt­res/D)
normal adjustment
fo + fe (focal length till focal point + distance between focal point and distance to eyepiece))
Anglar Magnic­ation
angle subtended by image at the eye/ angle subtended by the object at the unaided eye
fo / fe (where angles are less than 10')
minimum angular resolution
lambda / D (diameter of objective lens/m­irror)
angle subtened
diameter x distance
with reference to minimum angular resolution --> the smaller the angle the better the qualit­y/r­eso­lution

Adv of large diameter telescopes

collecting power- a measure of the ability of a lens/m­irror to collect incident em radiation (propo­rtional to the area of the objective lens)

resolving power- ability of a telescope to produce separate images of close together objects
-for this to happen the angle between striaght lines from earth to object must be at least the minimum angular resolution 0 = lambda/D
-this is also known as the Rayleigh Critierion which states:
two objects will not be resolved if any part of the central maximum of either image falls within the first minimum diffra­ction ring of the other

CCD (charged couple device)- array of light-­sen­sitive pixels, which become charged when they are exposed to light via photoe­lectric effect

quantum effici­enc­y-p­erc­entage of incident photons which cause an electron to be released
spectral range- detectable rang eof wavlengths of light
pixel resolu­tion- total number of pixels used to form an image
spatial resolu­tion- minimum distance two objects must be apart to be distin­gui­shable

comparing CCD and human eye

quantum eff
spectral range
Pixel res
varies but ~50 megapixels
~500 megapixels
spatial res
10 microm­eters
100 microm­eters
CCD are more useful for detecting finer details and producing images which can be shared and stored

Astron­omical Telescopes

Ray diagram for a refracting telescope in normal adjustment (c-PMT)

Normal adjust­ment- when the distance between the lenses is the sum of their focal lengths
this means the principle focus for these two lenses is in the same place

More Telescopes

Refracting telescopes have two converging lenses
- objective lens used to collect light and create a real image of a distant object
> should have long focal length, large area to collect as much light as possible
-eyepiece lens used to magnify the image produced. it produces a virtual image at infinity since the light rays are parallel reducing eye strain.

collecting power is directly propor­tional to the square of the radius of the objective lens

Reflecting telescopes

Cassegrain Reflecting Telescope:
- involves a primary concave mirror and secondary convex mirror

Mirrors in relfecting telescopes are a thin coating of alumin­ium­/silver atoms that are deposited onto a backing material
- this allows the mirrors to be smooth and minimises distortion

need to know how to draw a diagram of casseg­rain.
points to note:
- mirror curves are clearly shown
- add the eye piece at the end
- rays have arrows and start parallel

Comparing refrac­tin­g/r­efl­ecting telescopes

disadv of refracting
adv of reflecting
glass must be pure, free from defects (hard for large diameters)
mirrors are unaffected by chromatic aberr, spherical can be avoided using parabolic mirrors
Large lens can bend/d­istort under their own weight
mirrors are not as heavy as lenses therefore easier to handle and manoeuvre
affects by both chromatic and spherical aberration
though chromatic aberr can affect eyepiece, it can be solved using achromatic doublet
large magnif­ica­tions require very large diameter obj lens with very long focal lengths
mirrors that are a few nm thick can be made and give esxcellent image quality
lenses can only be supported from the edges which is diffocult as they are heavy and large
large primary mirrors are easy to support from behind as you dont need to see through them


for a given lens the focal length of the red light is greater than the blue light meaning the y are focused at different points
the curvature of a lens/m­irror can cause rays of light at the edge to be focused in a different position to those near the centre (outside has shorter focal legnth)
this can cause a white object to produce an image with coloured fringing
this leads to image blurring and distortion
as its caused by refraction it has little effect on relfecting telescopes and only occurs in the eyepiece lens
as its most pronounced in lenses with a large diameter it can be avoided completely by using parabolic objective mirrors
Achromatic doublet- a way of minimising spherical and chromatic aberration in lenses

- consists of a convex lens made of crown glass and a concave lens made of flint glass cemented together to bring all rays of light into focus at the same position

(imagine convex next to concave)

Telescope types-

- lowest energy­,lo­ngest wavele­ngth, can travel through dense inters­tellar clouds and allow to see motion of cold gas
- used to see through cold dust in order to study warm gas/dust and relatively cool stars as well as molecular absorp­tions
- most stars emit the bulk of their em energy as, hotter­-blue, colder- red
- emitted by the hot glow of the stellar nurseries and indent­ifies hottes­t/most energetic stars
- come from hottest gases that contain atoms, emitted from neutron stars or clouds of gas heated to millions of degrees including superh­eated material around a blackhole
- highest energy, smallest wavele­ngth, come from free electrons and stripped atomic nuclei accele­rated by powerful magnetic fields in exploding stars, colliding neutron stars and superm­assive black holes
- also used to observe gamma ray bursts, quasars and black holes

types of GRB:
-short lived > last between 0.01 and 1 second (assoc­iated with merging neutron stars/­neutron str falling into a black hole)
-long lived > last between 10 and 1000 seconds (assoc­iated with a type 2 supern­ova­-death of a massive star)

Telescope types- Radio and optical

function in the same way- intercept and focus incoming radiation to detect its intensity
as radio is larger than visible, radio telescopes have to be larger in diameter to achieve the same qualit­y/r­eso­lving power (as they have larger diameter they will have larger collecting power)
both can be moved to focus on different sources of radiat­ion/to track a moving source
constr­uction of radio is cheaper and simpler as a wire mesh is used instead of a mirror (mesh size must be less than lambda/20 to avoid refraction and reflect)
parabolic dish of radio is similar to objective mirror of reflecting optical
a radio must move across an area to build up an image unlike optical
both can be built on the ground since both waves can pass through the atmosphere
radio experi­ences large interf­erance from man-made sources, optical is only natural sources eg weather, light pollution