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Random Short Cuts Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


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See non-staged (non-a­dded) changes to existing files
git diff
See staged, non-co­mmited changes
git diff --cached
See differ­ences between local changes and master
git diff origin­/master
See differ­ences between two commits
See the files changed between two commits
git diff --name­-only COMMIT1_ID COMMIT2_ID
See the files changed in a specific commit
git diff-tree --no-c­omm­it-id --name­-only -r COMMIT_ID
git show --pret­ty=­"­for­mat­:" --name­-only COMMIT_ID
See diff before push
git diff --cached origin­/master
See details (log message, text diff) of a commit
git show COMMIT_ID
Revert to the moment before one commit
# reset the index to the desired tree
git reset 56e05fced
# move the branch pointer back to the previous HEAD
git reset --soft HEAD@{1}
git commit -m "­Revert to 56e05fced"
# Update working copy to reflect the new commit
git reset --hard
Undo last commit, preserving local changes
git reset --soft HEAD~1
Undo last commit, without preserving local changes
git reset --hard HEAD~1
Undo last commit, preserving local changes in index
git reset --mixed HEAD
git reset HEAD
Undo non-pushed commits
git reset origin­/master
Reset to remote state
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin­/master
Make some changes, create a patch
git diff > patch-­iss­ue-­1.patch
Add a file and create a patch
git diff --staged > patch-­iss­ue-­2.patch
Add a file, make some changes, and create a patch
git add newfile
git diff HEAD > patch-­iss­ue-­2.patch
Make a patch for a commit
git format­-patch COMMIT_ID
Make patches for the last two commits
git format­-patch HEAD~2
Make patches for all non-pushed commits
git format­-patch origin­/master
Apply a patch
git apply -v patch-­nam­e.patch
Apply a patch created using format­-patch
git am patch1.patch
Show differ­ences ignoring new and deleted files
git diff --diff­-fi­lter=M