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Core Keeper Chat Commands Cheat Sheet by

Quick reference sheet for Chat Commands mod

Player Commands

/give {ItemName} [count] [varia­tion]
Give yourself any item.
/give food {Item1} + {Item2} [count]
Give yourself any food.
Clear the player inventory.
/heal [amount]
Use to fully heal the player.
/feed [amount]
Use to fully feed the player.
Max out all skills.
Reset all skills to 0.
/setSkill {skill­Name} {level}
Set the given skill to the given level (0-100)
Kill the player.
Toggle the player's invinc­ibi­lity.
Move freely without physical limita­tions.
/noclip speed {multi­plier}
Set noclip movement speed.
/setReveal {radius}
Set your character map reveal radius. Also enables seeing through walls.

World Editing

/placeTile {tileset} {tile type} {x} {y}
Place tile relative to your position.
/placeTile {item name} {x} {y}
Place tile relative to your position.
/remov­eTile {tile type} {x} {y}
Remove tile relative to your position.
/remov­eTile {item name} {x} {y}
Remove tile relative to your position.
/place­Til­eArea {tileset} {tile type} {sX} {sY} {eX} {eY}
Place tiles in area relative to your position.
/place­Til­eArea {item name} {sX} {sY} {eX} {eY}
Place tiles in area relative to your position.
/remov­eTi­leArea {tile type} {sX} {sY} {eX} {eY}
Remove tiles in area relative to your position.
/remov­eTi­leArea {item name} {sX} {sY} {eX} {eY}
Remove tiles in area relative to your position.
/remove {objectID} [all|slow]
Remove closest matching entity from world.

Misc. Commands

Toggle enemy AI passive behavior.
/spawn {entit­yName} {x} {y} [varia­tion]
Spawn any entity at position.
/hide <ta­rge­t> [state]
Hide User Interface, Inventory and Player visual elements. Possible targets: player, ui, inventory
/repeat {times} {command name} [command parame­ters]
Repeat any valid command


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