Naming Convention
Rule for giving name |
- letter |
- numbers |
- underscore _ |
Valid name |
- _myStr |
- my3 |
- Hello_there Invalid name |
- 3my=”hi” -- cannot start with number |
- first name=”hi” |
- first-name |
- first+name |
== |
Equal |
!= |
Not equal |
>= |
More than or equal |
<= |
Less than or equal |
% (Madulo) |
Find the remainder |
Multiplication and Exponents
string * number |
Combine that string |
string* string |
number * number |
Multiply (Math) |
string ** string |
number ** number |
Exponent (Math) |
string ** number |
Area of Triangle
def areaOfTriangle(base, hight) :
return 0.5 base hight
user_base = float(input("Enter the base of the triangle: "))
user_height = float(input("Enter the hight of the triangle: "))
print ("The area of the triangle is", areaOfTriangle(user_base, user_height))
def volumeOfPrism(area, high) :
return area * high
user_prism_high = float(input("Enter the hight of the prism: "))
print ("The volume of the prism is", volumeOfPrism(areaOfTriangle(user_base, user_height), user_prism_high))
Reverse Word
while True:
word = input("Please enter a word")
index = 0
reverse = ' '
while int(index) < len(word):
reverse = word[index] + (reverse)
index = int(index) + 1
print ("Reverse: ", reverse)
Sort fruit list
fruits = [] #an empty list
for number in range(5):
user_fruit = input("Please enter a fruit")
print ("Size of fruit list is", len(fruits))
for fruit in fruits:
print ("Fruit: ", fruit)
Countdown Machine
number = int(input("What number do you want to count down? "))
countdown_string = ' '
while number > 0:
countdown_number = countdown_string + str(number) + " "
number = number - 1
print (countdown_string)
Area of Circle
user_radius = input("What is a radius of a circle?")
radius = float(user_radius)
pi = float(3.1415)
area = pi(radius*2)
print ("The area of the circle is", area)
Create List
create a function name: createList
argument: quitword
return: a list
def createList(quitword):
mylist = [] #empty list
while True: #loop forever
user_word = input("Please enter a list item: ")
if user_word == quitword:
return mylist #returns the list and exits the function
duplicateword = False
for item in mylist:
if user_word == item:
duplicateword = True
if (duplicateword == True):
print ("Duplicate Word!")
mylist.append(user_word) #Adds the user_word to the end of the list
userlist = createList('stop') #Function Call
print (userlist)
Function (Ex.)
def myprint2(text, decoration): #Text and decoration is a parameter
print (decoration + str(text) + decoration)
myprint2("Hello", "+++++")
myprint2("Hello", "-=-=-=-=")
myprint2("Hello", "<<<<<")
def isPalindrome(word):
index = 0
reverse = ''
while int(index) < len(user_word):
reverse = user_word[index] + (reverse)
index = int(index) + 1
if user_word == reverse:
return True
return False
while True:
user_word = input("Please enter a word: ")
if user_word == "quit":
print("Length of the", user_word, "is", len(user_word))
Palindrome = isPalindrome(user_word)
if Palindrome == True:
print (user_word, "is a Palindrome!")
print (user_word, "is not a Palindrome")
Sort word per line
mystr = "Hello"
letter_num = 0
while letter_num < len(mystr):
print (mystr[letter_num])
letter_num = letter_num + 1
Convert decimal to binary
user_number = ' '
while user_number != ' 0 ' :
user_number = input ("Enter a number to convert to binary")
number = int(user_number)
binary_string = ' '
while (number > 0):
remainder = number%2
binary_string = str(remainder)+ binary_string
number = number//2
print ("Binary string is", binary_string)
Area of Circle by Function
def areaOfCircle(r):
pi = 3.1415
area = pi r * 2
return area
user_radius = input("Enter the radius of the circle: ")
radius = float(user_radius)
print("The area of the circle is", areaOfCircle(radius))
Guess word game
import random
guesslist = ['grape', 'orange', 'chloroplast', 'ribosome', 'lipstick']
chance = 3
score = 0
print (guesslist)
while chance != 0:
random_item = random.choice(guesslist)
user_input = input("Please guess a word: ")
if user_input == random_item:
print ("That's correct!")
score = score + 100
print ("Score:", score)
if user_input not in guesslist:
print ("Sorry, that isn't even in the list!")
chance = chance - 1
print ("Chance Remaining:", chance)
print ("Sorry, wrong choice!")
chance = chance - 1
print ("Chance Remaining:", chance)
if chance == 0:
print ("The word was", random_item)
print ("The score is", score)
Convert binary to decimal
num = str(int(input("Enter a binary to convert to decimal ")))
dec = int(num, 2)
print ("The decimal number is", dec)
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