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EFL Conversations - Invitations Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Are you free Tuesday afternoon / on Sunday?
Would you like to go shopping / see a movie?
Do you want to go dancing / hang out?
Let's go to a baseball game on Friday!


That would be nice / great.
That sounds like fun!
I would love to (go).
Sure, why not.

Ask for More Inform­ation

Maybe! What time (is the party)?
I'm not sure. When (does the movie begin)?
Let me check (my schedule) / see...


Thank you for inviting me, but I have (other) plans.
I would love to, but unfort­unately I am busy (on Tuesday).
I'm sorry but I can't (go).
Maybe another time.
Thanks, but I'll pass.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Yeah, no.