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Intro to Bio- Chpt 2, Part 2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Intro to Bio- Freeman

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Chemical Reactions

Energy: The capacity to do work or supply heat. This capacity exists in either a stored potential or an active motion.
Stored energy is call potential energy. PE is related to position of shared electrons in covalent bonds.
When shared electrons are far from the nuclei, the bond is long and weak.
If the electrons are closer to one or both of the atoms, the bond becomes shorter and stronger.
Greater capacity to be broken apart and reform into new, strong bonds
Less capacity to be broken apart
MORE PE/Che­mical E
LESS PE/Che­mical energy
Energy of motion- kinetic energy
Kinetic energy of molecular motion- thermal energy
1st law of thermo­dyn­amics: E cannot be either created or destroyed, only transf­erred
"­within heatin­g"
Thermal E absorbed by system
"­outside heatin­g"
Thermal E released by system
Sponta­neous chemical reactions- able to proceed on their own without any continuous external influence, such as added E.
2 factors determine this-
1. Rxn's tend to be more sponta­neous when the product molecules are less ordered than the reactant molecules.
2. Rxn's tend to be sponta­neous if products have lower PE than the reactants.
The amount of disorder in a system is called Entropy.
When the shared electrons in the reaction products are held more tightly than those in the reactants.
Increased Entropy in products = Increased sponta­neity
Lower PE in products than the reactants
capacity for bonds to break & form stronger bonds
capacity for bonds to break & form stronger bonds
Long, loose, weak bonds
Short, tight, strong bonds

Origin of Life Chemical Evolution Models

Prebiotic Soup Model:
Surface Metabolism Model