operation |
example |
before |
after |
x = ~0111; |
1000 |
x = 0101 & 0011; |
0001 |
OR |
x = 0101 | 0011; |
0111 |
x = 0101 ^ 0011; |
0110 |
Left Shift |
x = 0100 << 1; |
1000 |
Right Shift |
x = 0100 >> 1; |
0010 |
Set bit 5 |
x |= (1<<5); |
0b00000000 |
0b00100000 |
Clear bit 5 |
x &= ~(1<<5); |
0b11111111 |
0b11011111 |
Wait until bit 5 is set |
while (!(x & (1<<5))); |
Wait until bit 5 is cleared |
while (x & (1<<5)); |
Save value of bit 5 into variable |
int var = x & (1<<5); |
Test if bit 5 is set |
if (x & (1<<5)) {...} |
Toggle bit 5 |
x ^= (1<<5); |
0b00000000 |
0b00100000 |
Replace modulo of power of two with AND |
x % y == x & (y -1) |
x % 64 |
x & (63) |
Check if integer x is odd |
if (x & 1) { ... } |
Turn off the rightmost 1-bit |
x = x & (x-1); |
0b01011000 |
0b01010000 |
Isolate the rightmost 1-bit |
x = x & (-x); |
0b01110000 |
0b00010000 |
Right propagate the rightmost 1-bit |
x = x | (x-1); |
0b10111100 |
0b10111111 |
Isolate the rightmost 0-bit |
x = ~x & (x+1); |
0b01110111 |
0b00001000 |
Turn on the rightmost 0-bit. |
x = x | (x+1); |
0b01110111 |
0b01111111 |
Right propagate the rightmost 0-bit |
x = x & (x+1); |
0b01110111 |
0b01110000 |
Multiply by 2 |
x <<= 1; |
0b00000010 |
0b00000100 |
Divide by 2 |
x >>= 1; |
0b00000010 |
0b00000001 |
XOR swap |
a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; |
Calculate 2^n |
1 << n; |
Convert letter to lowercase |
x = (x | ' '); |
A |
a |
Convert letter to uppercase |
x = (x & '_'); |
a |
A |
Swap Nibbles |
x = (x << 4) | (x >> 4); |
0b11110000 |
0b00001111 |
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I really like it! *.*
I was searching for something like this :D
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