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Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-3 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Test Content

The Bayley 3 is an indivi­dually admini­stered measur­ement that assess develo­pmental functi­oning in infants and young children between 1 month and 42 months. It measures five areas of develo­pment; cognitive, commun­ica­tion, motor skills, social­/em­oti­onal, and adaptive behavior.

Test Structure

test form
social­-em­otional & adaptive behavior questi­onnaire
cognitive scale
social­/em­otional scale
commun­ication scale
adaptive scale
motor skills scale
the commun­ication scale consist of 1. receptive commun­ication & 2. expressive commun­ication
*the motor skills scale consist of 1. fine motor & 2. gross motor


The starting points of each subtest is listed in the manual by age.


- Primary purpose is to identify children with developmental delays and provide information for intervention planning
- Charting a child's progress once an intervention has been implemented
- Research tool