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Base Git Cheat Sheet by

Git basic command

Global Config­uration

git config --global "John Doe"
Globally configure your committer name
git config --global
Globally configure your committer email
Execute these step before any other action with your git client

Initialize new repository

git init
Initialize current directory as a new git repostiroy
git remote add origin https://repourl/repo.git
Add remote repository with name 'origin'
git add --all
Promote all folder content for commit
git commit -am"initial commit"
Commit all files with given comment

Clone existing remote repostiroy

git clone https://giturl/repo.git
Clone remote repository via HTTPS, access credential could be reqeuired
git clone ssh://giturl/repo.git
Clone remote repository via SSH, privat­e/p­ublic key exchange is required

Inspect your work

git status
Provide you with the difference in commits and push between your local repo and the remote origin
git log
List latest commit on the local repository
git diff ${FILENAME}
Provide a diff view between the local file and the HEAD version on the remote origin

Save you work

git pull origin develop
Retrieve all commit from remote repository named "­ori­gin­" and branch "­dev­elo­p" and merge them into local repository
git add --all
Promote ALL unstaged files for commit - use with care!
git add ${FILENAME}
Promote given file/f­older for commit
git commit -m"my details on commit"
Commit all promoted file to local repository
git push origin develop
Push all commit to remote repository named "­ori­gin­" and branch "­dev­elo­p". Branch will be created if not present. May fail if remote repository has not been pulled before pushing since local repository is not up-to-date


git branch -a
List all avaiable branches
git fetch
Fetch all remote repository data into local one, including new branches
git fetch -p
Fetch all remote repository data into local one, including new branches. -p (prune) causes unexisting remote branches to be dropped also locally
git checkout -b newbranch
create a new branch named "­new­bra­nch­" starting from current commit
git merge otherbranch
Merge local branch named "­oth­erb­ran­ch" to be merged into current local branch
git push origin newbranch
Push all commit in local branch newbranch to remote origin, creating remote branch if not already present
git branch -D oldbranch
Delete local branch named "­old­bra­nch­". Any tag pushed from deleted branch will be preserved.
git push origin --delete oldbranch
Delete remote branch named "­old­bra­nch­". Any tag pushed from deleted branch will be preserved.
git merge --squash featurebranch
Merge branch named "­fea­tur­ebr­anc­h" into current one, squasshing all commit into a single one. Commit with comment is needed to complete operation.


git tag -l
List all avaiable tags
git fetch --tags
Fetch all remote repository data into local one, including tags
git fetch --tags -p
Fetch all remote repository data into local one, including new tags. -p (prune) causes unexisting remote tags to be dropped also locally
git tag mytag
Creates a new tag named "­myt­ag" and attach it to current local commit
git push origin --tags
Push local tags to remote origin
git tag -d oldtag
Delete local tag named "­old­tag­".
git push origin :refs/tags/oldtag
Delete remote tag named "­old­tag­".

Cleaning up your repository

git reset --soft origin master
Reset local repository commit to remote origin on branch master. All changes will be preserved as uncomm­itted files
git reset --hard origin master
Reset local repository commit to remote origin on branch master. All changes will be discarted - use with care!
git clean --dry-run
Remove untracked files - show only candidates no actual removal (alias -n )
git clean -f
Remove untracked files - Actual remove use with care!
git clean -f -d
Remove untracked files and folders - Actual remove use with care!
git clean -f -X
Remove ignored files - Actual remove use with care!
git clean -f -x
Remove ignored and non-ig­nored files - Actual remove use with care!
git log -- ${FILENAME}
Show history for ${FILE­NAME} even if deleted, useful to know when a file has been removed


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