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Medical Anthropology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ch 1: Ecology of Health & Disease

Medical Ecology
emphasizes the enviro­nmental context of health
studies the entire system of factors affecting health in differing regions
Physical Anthro­pology
human biology, studies physical origins and variab­ility of human species
recons­tructs the way of life of prehis­toric peoples by analyzing artifacts and other remains
analyzing sound systems and grammars. Allows anthro­pol­ogists to understand the native­/in­sider point of view
change­s/m­odi­fic­ations in physical and behavioral traits enabling a person­/group to meet the challenges of a given enviro­nment

Chapter 2: Research Methods Termin­ology

Homeop­athic: using medicines that are similar to the illness. Small substance that creates symptoms of the illness.
Allopa­thic: medicine that combats disease by remidies that produce effects that are different than the disease.
Ecology: study of the relati­onship between population and their enviro­nments.
Biome: simila­rities in commun­ities that have evolved under certain conditions around the world. Ex) desert biome.
Popula­tion: all of the organisms of a single species in a given habitat.
Species: organisms with shared genetic charac­ter­istics, origin, and ability to interb­reed.
Ecological niche: the specia­lized role in a habitat.
Predat­or-prey relati­onship: one population serves as a food source for the other.
Symbiosis: two dissimilar species live together.
Parasi­tism: ind. of a population feed on another popula­tio­n-live on or inside ind. which is called a host.
Reservoir: an animal population that transfers parasites to humans.
Mutualism: symbiosis where both popula­tions benefit from each other.
Energy: capacity to do work.

Ch 2: Clinical Data

Clincal Medicine
looks at the diagnosis and treatment of disease in ind. patients
disease that developes quickly and during short period of time EX. A cold
persists for a long time. EX. Arthritis
deviates from clinical norms/­abn­orm­ality
the suferer's interp­ret­ation of their experience
a social category. the way an ill person is supposed to behave in society
no active ingredient

Social & Cultural Data

Partic­ipant Observ­ation
going to a region for research and partic­ipating when applicable
insider's categories
outsider's categories in labeling disease
Multisited ethnog­raphy
follow a research problem from local to gloabl perspe­ctives and places
genera­liz­ations by comparing results of ethnog­raphies describing particular cultures

Ch 2: Epidem­iol­ogical Data

study the distri­bution of disease in popula­tions and factors that explain the disease & its distri­bution
affects a large # of people in a short period of time
affects a small amount of people in a long period of time
caused by medical treatment. EX. hepatitis c which is spread by needles
the proportion of indivi­duals who have a diseas­e/c­ond­ition at one time
the rate at which new cases of a disease occur in a population over a period of time
the frequency of cases of disease over a unit of time
# of deaths per population over time
all the causes of a diseas­es/­abn­orm­ality