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Basic Clojure Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

General Info

;Everything is a function
that means everything is enclosed in brackets

;multiple pieces of data often need to be passed in a vector
(get-in myFunc [:ok :go])

;commas are considered whitespace in clojure


• corresponds to long int

• corresponds to double

• Always enclosed by double quotes
• “My big dog”

• true or false

• is used as the NULL value


; general form
; similar to type variable_name = value
(def name value) 

; or int x = 4
(def x 4)

IF (Control Flow)

; general syntax
(if boolean-form

; an example (if else)
(if (> 5 0)
; -> “positive”

; optional else
(if (> 5 0)
; -> “positive” 

(if (< 5 0)
; -> nil 

; Maximum of two terms per if. The following is an invalid form
(if (> 5 0)
 “positive” ; then 1
 “good” ; then 2
 “negative”) ; else

Arity (or Number of Arguments)

; basic arity overloading
(defn func_name
 ([arg1] ; one parm version

 ([arg1 arg2] ; two parm version

; using other arities
; similar to constructors in java
( defn func_name
 ([arg1 arg2]
 ( func_name arg1 ) ; call the with one arg
 (expression) ))

Lists (Composite Data Strucu­tres)

;basic strucutre is '(elem1 elem2 elem3)
(1 2 3) ; => error: 1 is not a function
‘(1 2 3) ; => valid list
(+ 2 2) ; => function call
‘(+ 2 2) ; => valid list 

;very similar to vectors, but have to use nth instead of get
(nth ‘(1 2 3) 1) ; => 2
(nth ‘(1 2 3) 10) ; error

Basic Maths & Logic

; simple Math
(+ 1 1)
(- 2 1)
(* 1 2)
(/ 2 1)

; Equality testing
(= 1 1) ; => true
(= 2 1) ; => false 

; Negation
(not true) ; => false

Function Syntax

;best way to bind functions
(defn hello [] “hello world”) 

;anonymous function 
(fn [parm list] body)

(fn [] “hello world”) 

;without the defn keyword have to do this
(def hello (fn [] “hello world”))

DO (Control Flow)

;used for executing more than one line
;will return the last value of the line
(if (> 5 0)
 (println “looks good”)
 (println “looks bad”)
;-> "positive"

When (Control Flow)

;when is a combination of IF and DO
(when (> 5 0)
 (println “looks good”)
;-> "positive"

;always returns nil on false

Immuta­bility and Adding

;Clojure data structures are immutable. 
;That means once you assign data to a variable, you can't change it
(def foo1 ‘(1 2 3))
(conj foo1 0) ; => (0 1 2 3)
 foo1 ; => (1 2 3), no change

(def foo2 (conj foo1 0))
 foo1 ; => (1 2 3)
 foo2 ; => (0 1 2 3) 

(def foo [1 2 3])
 foo ; => [1 2 3]

(assoc foo 1 “dog”) ; => [1 “dog” 3]
foo ; => [1 2 3]

Vectors (Composite Data Structure)

;Vectors are essentially arrays indexed at 0
;two forms are
(def myVec [1 2 3])
(def myVec (vector 1 2 3))

;again can put functions inside
(def things [
 (fn [] “do something”)

;and of course we can use get to access the data
(get things 0) ; => “dog”
(get things 1) : => 2
(get things 10) : => nil

Truthey, Falsey & Nil

;Can test for nil
– (nil? “boo”) ; => false
– (nil? nil) ; => true

;false and nil are considered falsey
;everything else is considered truthey


(print “woo”)
; => “woo”

(print “woo” “hoo”)
; => “woo hoo”

(print “Number:” 4)
; => “Number: 4”

Nested Maps (Composite Data Structure)

can nest a map in a map
(def nest {
 :a “eh”
 :b {:dog “fido” :cat “fluffy”}

(get nest :a) ; => “eh”
(get nest :b) ; => {:dog “fido”, :cat “fluffy”}

use the get-in function to access inner maps
(get-in nest [:b :cat]) ; => “fluffy”

Set (Composite Data Structure)

;like in Python, the Clojure set maintains a collection of unique values
#{1 2 “dog” “cat”}
(hash-set 1 2 “dog” :c)

;sets will automatically discard duplicates
#{1 2 “dog” 2} ; => #{1 2 “dog”} 

;can also create sets from lists and vectors
;use the set keyword
(set ‘( 1 1 2 2)) ; => #{1 2}
(set [“dog” “cat” “dog”]) ; => #{“dog” “cat”}

;searching the set
;can use get, a keyword (:john) or contains?
(def foo #{ 1 2 3 :a} )
(get foo 3) ; => 3
(get foo 4) ; => nil
(:a foo) ; =>:a, returns itself
(contains? foo 2) ; => true

Maps (Composite Data Struct­ures)

; maps are key value pairs
; like dictionaries from python

(def jobs {
 :john “professor"
 :sue “doctor”
 :ahmed “astronaut”

; :john is a keyword, which is basically a string
; it just has faster internal lookup

;the get function
;returns the value associated /w a key
(get jobs :sue) ; => “doctor”
(get jobs :Sue) ; => nil 

; function lookup table
(def funcs {
 :func1 (fn [] (println “func1”))
 :func2 (fn [] (println “func2”))
 :func3 (fn [] (println “func3”))
; execute the third function
((get funcs :func3)) ; => func3