Knocked Down and Injury
- After Knocked Down opposing coach rolls 2D6 to exceed player's Toughness - If exceeded, roll for Injury on table - Automatic Injury roll if pushed off Pitch (Stunned is still out of play) - Stunned placed face down and is turned face up after your NEXT turn - KO'd remove from Pitch, before next Kick-Off roll D6: 1-3 still KO'd, 4-6 good - Casualty out of game - Substitutions can only take place after TD or after a Half |
Fan Factor and Fans
Star Player Points / MVP
Method for determining MVP is League specific Fouling
- One Foul attempt per turn - Can move and then Foul - Target must be Prone or Stunned - Roll Toughness and Injury (See Knocked Down) - If either roll is doubles Referee kicks player from match and Turnover |
Miscellaneous Rules Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by mekaerwin
Some more rules for the game
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.