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Basic Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Vim, Terminator, mc

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Vim - movement

h - left
j - down
k - up
l - right
(prefix)G - jump to last line or prefix
w - jump to end of word
0 - start of line
^ - first non-blank character of line
$ - end of line
i - insert mode at cursor

Vim - stuff

,n - NERDTree
i - jump to code
o - open/close dir
p - dir up
:Gblame - check git changes
,g - GundoT­oggle - history

Vim - replace

search and replace
:s/foo­/bar/g - foo to bar in current line
:%s/fo­o/bar/g foo to bar in all lines

Vim - Text

v/shift + V - mark
y - copy mark
(prefix)yy - (copy) a line
d - delete (+cursor up/dow­n/l­eft­/right)
(number) dd - delete (count) line
p - paste
/ - search