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Legends Combat Overview Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

An overview of the combat system in Legends 1E Beta

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Combat Organi­zation

There are three main concepts: Rounds, Turns, and Partic­ipa­tion.
Combat is divided in Rounds. Each round containing 10 Turns.
Creatures (PC/NPCs) in a combat will need to Partic­ipate in Turns in order to perform actions.
The DM will countdown each Turn in a Round: 10, 9, 8...2, 1. Upon ending turn 1, a new Round begins
Each Turn is 1 second. therefore each Round is 10 seconds.

Between Rounds

After a Round finishes, the DM will briefly narrate everything that happened in a more cinematic way.
Then, the DM will give the players 1 minute to discuss their tactics and interact with their enviro­nment or NPCs..
This is called an Interlude.
Players can plan ahead their strategy and ask the DM questions such as "what is that enemy wearin­g?" or "does the boss look tired?­"
During the Interlude, PCs are encouraged to roleplay with the NPCs.

Combat Order

Combat Order is determined by Initia­tive.
Initiative = Agility + Instinct
On the First Round of a combat, the First Round Initiative (FRI) is used instead
FRI = Initiative + dLuck
Your Initiative will determine when you can start partic­ipating in a Round
You can Partic­ipate in the Turn of your Initiative and all subsequent Turns.
For example, if you got an initiative of 5, you can partic­ipate in turn 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Partic­ipating in a Turn

To partic­ipate in a turn, announce it to the table.
If two or more creatures want to partic­ipate in the same Turn, the one with higher Initiative will go first, in descending order.
If they have the same Initia­tive, a tie-br­eaker will be needed
The first time you partic­ipate in a Round is FREE, any subsequent partic­ipation costs 2 Stamina. You can only partic­ipate once per Turn
During your partic­ipa­tion, you can take up to 2 Actions
You must declare which 2 Actions you are going to take at the start of your partic­ipation. Once you declare them, you cannot change your mind.


Whenever a tie-br­eaker is needed by equal numbers (from a defense, initia­tive, or any form of contest)
The one with higher Presence is the winner.
If they both have the same Presence, they both roll a dLuck, and the higher number wins.
Keep rolling dLucks until a winner is determined

Basic Actions

You move up to your movement speed. Altern­atively you can stand up or fall prone.
You attack with each weapon wielded. Free hands can make unarmed attacks.
Inventory (2)
You interact with up to 2 items in your inventory, which can be wielding a weapon, using a tool, or using a consum­able. A free hand is required.
Perform Techniques (3)
You perform up to 3 active techni­ques. Most techniques can only be used once per round, unless specified otherwise.
Mostly skill checks, for example pushing off a boulder, grappling an enemy, solving a puzzle, persuading an enemy, etc.
You can take any combin­ation of them and even take the same action twice. For example: move, move.
Other actions exist but are condit­ion­al/­spe­cific
You can also break up your actions, for example, move, then attack, then complete your movement.

Actives, Reactions, and Combos

Actives can only be used in your partic­ipation while Reactions the opposite.
Combos can be used anytime the trigger occurs and do not count as action­s/a­cti­ves­/etc, consuming no action economy.
The main Reactions are the Defensive Reactions, which are performed when an attack is received.
The target rolls their Defensive Reaction against the Attack Score of the attacker.

Types of Damage

Internal Damage is damage dealt to the bones and/or organs. For example, a punch.
External damage is damage dealt to the skin. For example, a cut.
Ki attacks often deal Internal Damage with a few exceptions (Mostly Metal Ki)

Damage and HP

If an attack succeeds it often deals damage. Damage is first dealt to the target's armor (if applic­able)
If their armor breaks, then the remaining damage is dealt to their HP.
When a creature is reduced to 0 HP or less, it falls uncons­cious.
PCs can choose to Last Breath or Fall Uncons­cious
Last Breath will wake the character up, regaining all stamina and ignoring all damage and CC. A character perman­ently dies after a Last Breath.
If a character falls uncons­cious, they will receive a wound depending on the type of damage that took them down.
HP is restored upon resting.

Attack Scores

vs Dodge (Agility + Profic­iency)
When you make an attack and the enemy decides to Dodge, you use this score against their Dodge roll.
vs Block (Strength + Profic­iency)
When you make an attack and the enemy decides to Block, you use this score against their Block roll.
vs Predict (Acting (Charisma) + dLuck)
When you make an attack and the enemy decides to Predict, you use this score against their Predict roll.
Ki attacks use Presence instead of Strength and Instinct instead of Agility.
If your attack score is greater than their defensive roll, they fail their reaction.
If your attack score is less than their defensive roll, they succeed their reaction.

Defensive Reactions

Dodge (Agility + dLuck)
If you succeed, the attack misses. If you fail, you take the full hit.
Block (Strength + Profic­iency Bonus + dLuck)
Requires a blocking weapon. If you succeed, the attack hits but deals no damage. If you fail, the damage is dealt to your blocking weapon's durabi­lity.
Predict (Reading (Charisma) + dLuck)
If you succeed, the attack misses and you get an interr­uption. If you fail, you take the full hit.
Upon failing a defensive reaction, you can spend stamina to "­imp­rov­e" the failed roll. This consists of rolling another dLuck and adding it to the failed roll. You can do this as long as you have the necessary stamina left.


When you succeed a Predict, you get an interr­uption.
An Interr­uption consists of 1 Action (From the basic actions).
After your Interr­uption, the interr­upted creature continues its partic­ipa­tion.
However, if you force them to React in any way, (attacking for them to defend, triggering an effect, etc) then you end their partic­ipa­tion.

Using Stamina

Partic­ipa­ting. (Except the first time you do so per Round)
2 stamina
Improving a Block or Dodge
1 stamina
Improving a Predict
2 stamina
Each technique has its cost

Recovering Stamina

You can expend 1 Stamina Surge to refill your current Stamina.
Stamina Surges are recovered upon resting
You can only use a stamina surge at the start of a partic­ipation of yours.