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Tmux Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


bind |
split window horizo­ntally
bind -
split window vertically
bind h
select left pane
bind j
select down pane
bind k
select up pane
bind l [lower L]
select right pane
bind o
swap panes
bind q
show pane numbers
bind x
kill pane
bind +
break pane into window
bind -
restore pane from window


bind c
create window
bind w
list windows
bind n
next window
bind p
previous window
bind f
find window
bind ,
name window
bind &
kill window


tmux new -s name
create a new session with name
tmux -a
attach to an existing session
tmux -a -t name
attach to an existing session with name
tmux ls
list sessions
tmux kill-s­ession -t name
kills session with name
new session
bind s
list sessions
bind $
name session

Copy mode

bind [
copy mode
copy selection
paste selection
out of copy mode