Quick summary with most important Git commands and key concepts.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Display all settings
git config --global $user
Set user name
git config get
Display user name
git config --global $email
Set email address
Display email address
git config --global core.editor $editor
Set text editor
git config --global alias.$alias $cmd
Set alias for a command
git config --global init.defaultBranch $branch
Set default name for main branch
git config --global core.autocrlf true
Set end of line character (Windows). Default value
git config --global core.autocrlf input
Set end of line character (Linux/MacOs)
Initializing, Staging & Commiting
Print all commands available
Print command options
Open Git documentation in browser
Display Git version
Initialize working tree
Display state of working tree and index
Display summarized version
Stage file
Stage all changes recursively
Stage changes to match working tree
Commit changes with message
Commit no staged changes
Edit last commit message (CLEAN index)
Move to previous commit
Move/rename and stage
Remove file from tree and index
Remove file from index
Remove directory recursively from index
Display commit history
Display shortened commit history
Display n commits
Display changes, insertions & deletions
Show commited changes file by file
git log --all --decorate --oneline --graphic
Display commit history tree
git reflog --relative-date
Display command history
Display commit, author & date per line
Compare working tree and index
Compare file in working tree and index
Compare index and last commit
Compare working tree and last commit
Display changes in commit
Display file content in commit
Display files in index
git ls-tree --name-only HEAD
Display files in local repository
List local branches
List remote branches
List local and remote branches
Create branch
Create branch rooting from other
Rename branch
Delete branch
Delete NOT merged branch
Move to branch
Create branch and move
Move to branch
Move to previous branch
Create branch and move
Merge branch into current one
Remote Repositories
git remote add $alias $url
Add remote repository
List remote repositories
git remote rename $old $new
Rename remote repository
Clone remote repository
Clone remote repository to specific folder
Compare index and remote repository
Display commit history from remote repository
Download information from remote repository
Merge remote repository into current branch
Pull (fetch+merge) remote repository into current branch
Pull remote repository into specific branch
Push current branch into remote repository
Push specific branch into remote repository
git push --set-upstream $alias $branch
Push to remote repository and set it as default target for that branch
Display remote repository references
Undoing Changes
Retrieve file from last commit
Retrieve file from other commit
Retrieve file from index
git restore --staged $file
Retrieve index file from last commit
Create new commit that undoes last commit's changes
Revert specific commit
git revert HEAD --no-edit
Revert last commit skipping message editor
git revert HEAD~$n --no-edit
Revert n commits back skipping editor
Delete commit. Undo repo. Leave wd and index unchanged
Delete commit. Undo repo and index. Leave wd unchanged
Delete commit. Undo repo, index and wd
Advanced Topics
Move branch ancestor to other commit
Squash. Combine n commits into one
Append commit to current branch
Save wd and index to stash. Revert to last commit
List available stashs
Apply latest stash. Remove it from stack
Apply specific stash. Remove it from stack
Apply latest stash. Keep it in stack
Remove latest stash from stack
List tags
Create tag to current commit
Create tag with message
Create tag to specific commit
Push tags to remote repository
List working trees
Create linked tree
git worktree remove $tree
Delete tree