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Sales Qualification Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Sales Qualification Sales Qualification

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Is there an opport­unity?

Is a project present?
You know the customer has a though­t-t­hrough need for this solution. They have likely assigned resources to this project.
Do you understand their business?
You know what the customers goals, pressures, initia­tives, incent­ives, and obstacles are as it relates to this project.
Is the customer in the right financial condition?
The customers financial situation is compatible with the solution.
Is there a compelling timeline?
The customer has confirmed there is a timely need for the solution.

Is it worth winning?

Is the risk accept­able?
The level of risk is no greater than our regular sales.
Does the short-term revenue justify the resource expend­iture?
You expect the customer’s initial order to be the same size as (or larger than) the average opport­unity size for your business, and the initial order is expected within a normal sales cycle.
Is there justified reason for future revenue?
You expect this customer to have the same, or greater, lifetime value as the average lifetime value for your business.

Can we compete?

What is the critical decision criteria?
You know the process and criteria the customer is using to evaluate Maker Store and compet­itors
Will the solution meet their needs?
The solution is techni­cally suitable for the customers purpose.
Unique Business Value
The customer confirms that we have a unique value that differ­ent­iates us from the compet­ition. For example, our end mill library.

Can we win?

Is there inside support?
You have an interp­ersonal relati­onship with a key stakeh­older or executive within the organi­sation.
Do you know the informal decision criteria?
The customer or a key player has shared the subjective factors that they are consid­ering when comparing solutions.
Do they have authority?
You have found and are actively in touch with a stakeh­older who has the authority to execute the deal.
Personal Alignment
The customer who owns the goal or has the pressures wants you to win and can influence the outcome.