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Brainstorming Ideas for SY 2021-2022 Cheat Sheet by

Agenda Minutes for CILS

1. Conperey Primer 2021 - 2022

For Revision
Add Honor Code
Add Data Privacy Policy
Delete MELCS, following Deped CG

2. Teacher's Orient­ation for SY 2020 - 2021

To Orient
Curriculum Mapping (based on CG instead of book)
Cher Bry will echo INSET & teach 4Ds
Teacher Work & Schedule
What to do Mon - Thurs, especially Friday
Need to schedule training
Cheat Sheets
Make Common references teachers will need
Assistance from Multimedia Group (Cher Marlou & Euneil)
All: Confused by curriculum mapping for Junior HS. We'll follow the CG (not MELCs or book).
Cher Liza: Follow Sir Rapatan's schedule: MTh (S), W (checking break), TF(A).
Cher Chan: Aralinks has new features we didn't have access to before.
Cher Bam: Make cheat sheet/ guide package for teachers (ie usable edtech resources)
Cher Chan: Filmora Orient­ation + start a Conperey Youtube Channel to compile resources.

3.Teacher Support & Assistance for SY 2020 - 2021

To Do
Classroom Observ­ation & Monitoring
Coordi­nation among coordi­nators for concerns & improv­ements, good practices
Frequent direct, informal observ­ations
Immediate assistance for improv­ement
Revise classroom observ­ation tool
EdTech Tools
Shared Catalog of What EdTech Tools to Use for Classroom
Cher Bam: Put in place academic coordi­nation for immediate teacher assistance
Cher Liza: Classroom observ­ation tool needs to be revised.
Cher Judy: Low famili­arity with edtech tools especially in elemen­tary, need to be known to all the teachers.

4. Supreme Student Government

To Have
Elections of SSG
Need to do announ­cem­ents, declar­ation of intention to run, Online campai­gning and voting
Peer Tutoring (Pilot Program)
SSG could organize voluntary peer tutoring for JHS from SHS & Alumni
Teacher Advisors for SSG
Need to have at least 3 advisors, with 1 advisor readily available always.
SSG Budget
SSG will have a budget, and need to have proposals passed.
Cher Chan: Elections should be held before Sept 13 (first day of classes) because busy na after then. Peer tutoring must be an SSG project.
Cher Liz: Peer tutoring should be a pilot program first. Also need at least 1 advisor who is always on-hand
Cher Bam: We have raised some budget na for the SSG.
Cher Liz: The budget still needs to be system­atized and instit­uti­ona­lized from the school itself

5.PTA Elections

PTA Elections
Need to be held per homeroom.
Parents support and PR is badly needed.
Faculty Club could also propose projects if amenable.
Cher Liz: Cher Dan says PTA is most important linkage for school support and stability, we never take advantage of it.
Cher Bam & Cher Chan: Giving students schola­rships would be a good project for the PTA as well.

6. Faculty Club

Project Proposal for this SY
Give Faculty Club the power to be active this year
Cher Bam: Some budget (10K) has been raised for the Faculty Club. If possible, relate project proposal to Sustai­nable Develo­pment Goals (haha)
Cher Chan: Can we not request PTA fund to be contri­buted to Faculty Club?
Cher Liz: Big amount of money since its P100 per student. Need to ask for PTA consent first, can be done if we have PTA elections.

7. Teacher Mental Health & Well-Being

To Do
Quarterly Teacher's Day
teambu­ilding activities (cooking, hiking)
Meal Budget Allocation for Teachers
teachers cook their own food, TLE as kusina
Cher Chan: Assign teachers to head teambu­ilding activities given their interests, so they could prepare in advance.
Cher Bam: Link with Aklan Trekkers for hiking guides in Malay; Conper­eynian teachers need nature exposure

8. Grading & Awarding

Quarterly Release of Grades & Semestral Awards
Prompt pre-re­lease of student grades each quarter, mark students INC
Semestral awards should be held
Fair Grading Policy
Immedi­ately identify students who should be remedi­ated.
Interv­ent­ions: 1.) videos 2.) peer tutoring via SSG 3.) final resort: teacher assistance in school (with Division permit)
Students who still have INCs despite these interv­entions will get demerit.
Cher Chan: Pre-re­lease of student grades with those lacking requir­ements marked INC. Grades should already be pre-re­leased in time for compliance week. Could give grades through Conperey website with help from RI
Cher Liz: Students who still have INCs despite going through the interv­entions should get demerit.

9. Centra­lized File Names for Documents

Forms & File-N­aming of Documents
Forms should be known to teachers and protocol for naming documents known to all
Storage of School Documents
More organized storage of key documents
Already purchased backup
Cher Chan: Needs to be more organized docume­nt-­wise. Already purchased back-up for admin so documents stay safe.
Cher Bam: A cheatsheet could be added just for forms and file naming so teachers can already grasp the system.

10. Conperey Alumni Database

Alumni Database
Create a centra­lized database for alumni for networ­king: good to invite for talks, confer­ences and solicit for donations
Cher Liz: alumni would be a big resource for us, we need to tap them and have a database teachers could possibly link with if they need speakers
Cher Bam: would be very good for school PR, and can show students some exemplars

11. For Consid­eration

Tie Mission to Sustai­nable Develo­pment Goals
Mission in PMVGO is vague and a bit direct­ion­less.
Cher Bam: Tried hard to understand what "­con­tinue discov­ering best way of coping global demands is" but couldn't because it's direct­ion­less. We can tie "­global demand­s" instead to the SDGs, so we can have accoun­tab­ility. The infra and background ideas are there already since CILS markets itself as a green school.


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