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Lovely Grace Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

From the Greek for “inflation,” emphysema is an obstructive respiratory disorder characterized by air trapped in overdistended alveoli and by collapse of bronchioles on expiration, causing prolonged expiratory outflow. The lungs are hyperresonant on chest percussion. Even if disease is severe, patient maintains a normal gas exchange and often has an elevated hematocrit; thus, the term “pink puffer” is often applied

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


From the Greek for “infla­tion,” emphysema is an obstru­ctive respir­atory disorder charac­terized by air trapped in overdi­stended alveoli and by collapse of bronch­ioles on expira­tion, causing prolonged expiratory outflow. The lungs are hyperr­esonant on chest percus­sion. Even if disease is severe, patient maintains a normal gas exchange and often has an elevated hemato­crit; thus, the term “pink puffer” is often applied
Barrel chest DOB Diminished breath sounds Decreased fremitus Hyperr­eso­nance Hypoxemia and hyperc­apnia
3 types of Emphysema
Centri­lobular (proximal acinar): Affects the more central regions of the lungs.C­ommon for smokers Paraseptal (distal acinar): Affects the outer regions of the lungs. can cause respir­atory issues, such as breathing diffic­ulties, coughing, and wheezing. Panlobular (panac­inar): Affects all areas of the lungs.

Signs and symptoms

Barrel chest DOB Diminished breath sounds Decreased fremitus Hyperr­eso­nance Hypoxemia and hyperc­apnia