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A cheat sheet for V5 combat rules.

Order of Operations (Initi­ative)

- On each turn, each player declares what they're planning to do, and the ST does the same for SPCs. (Movement and minor actions should be declared here, to determine penalties to rolls.)
- Turn Order: (which can change each round)
-- Curren­tly­-en­gaged physical combat
-- Ranged combat
-- Newly-­engaged physical combat
-- Anything else
- Attackers and defenders roll at the same time, even if both are trying to attack. Winner of the contest is the one who does damage (and is deemed to have dodged the opposing attack).

Multiple Opponents

- Defending against multiple opponents: Roll first defense normally, each dodge after that loses an additional dice to the pool.
- Attacking multiple opponents: Player must split their dice pool against targets.

Crippling Injuries

Agg damage + 1d10
Stunned: Take a superf­icial Willpower or lose a turn.
Severe head trauma: Make physical rolls at -1, Mental rolls at -2
Broken limb or joint: Make rolls at -3 when using affect limb, OR
Blinded: Vision­-re­lated rolls at -3
Massive wound: All rolls at -2, add +1 to all additional damage taken
Crippled: Same effects as Broken, but the limb is lost or mangled
Death (mortal) or immediate torpor (kindred)
Table in effect only while Impaired.

Movement / Minor Actions

Generally do not cost anything extra, but actions such as long dashes, using a phone, throwing dust or sand, etc. can subtract dice from your main action, at the Storyt­eller's discre­tion.

Close Combat

Unarmed (punches, kicks, bodyblows, martial arts maneuvers, claws)
Strength + Brawl
Dexterity + Athletics
Light Weapon Melee (Knives, short swords, rapiers)
Dexterity + Melee
Heavy Weapon Melee (Axes, hammers, greats­wor­ds/­bro­ads­words)
Strength + Melee
Grappling (Holding)*
Strength + Brawl
Bite attack
Strength + Brawl
Deal 2 Agg damage
Foe becomes grappled
Strength + Firearms
Feed from bitten foe
Strength + Brawl
Deal 1 Agg damage
Slake 1 Hunger
*If someone who is grappled wins their combat roll in a turn, they escape and can move freely next turn.
**Firearms in close combat suffer -2 dice for targeting someone other than those you are engaged in melee with, and impose no penalty to defender for lack of cover.

Weapons Damage Value

Improvised weapon, stake*
Light impact (brass knuckles)
Heavy impact (baton, club, tire iron, baseball bat)
Light piercing (crossbow bolt, switch­blade)
Light gunshot (.22 pistol)
Heavy melee (broad­sword, fire axe)
Medium gunshot (single shot rifle, 9mm pistol, shotgun at effective range)
Heavy gunshot (.357 Magnum, shotgun at close range)
Huge melee (claymore, steel beam)
*If an attacker with a wooden stake succeeds at a called shot to a vampire's heart and inflicts 5+ damage, the stake pierces the heart and paralyzes the vampire.

Ranged Combat

Dexterity + Firearms
(or Composure + Firearms)
Resolve + Firearms
Throwing (knives, shuriken, stakes, etc.)
Dexterity + Athletics
Dexterity + Athletics
Guns with higher fire rate or willin­gness to empty a clip or magazine grant +1 dice. Firing beyond the effective range of a weapon suffers -2 dice.

Ranged Combat - Cover

No cover
-2 dice
Concea­lment (bushes, trees)
-1 dice
Hard cover (corners, columns, cars)
0 dice
Entren­chment (sandbags, etc.)
+ 1 dice
Murder hole
+ 2 dice

Armor Value

Reinforced clothi­ng/­heavy leathers
2 (0 vs. bullets)
Ballistic cloth
Kevlar vest/flak jacket
Tactic­al/­Mil­itary armor (one dice penalty to Dexterity rolls)

Advanced Rules

All-out attack: Grants a +1 damage bonus (emptying a ranged weapon if using one) while foregoing defending against attacks this turn. If the all-out attack misses, anyone acting against the combatant get +1 die next turn.
Called shots: Subtract 1 to 4 successes depending on diffic­­ulty.
Criticals: Criticals versus mortals automa­­ti­cally incapa­­ci­tate. Messy Criticals versus mortals are usually lethal.
Maneuvers: Perform an action (roll) this turn to get an advant­­ageous position (1-3 dice bonus) next turn. E.g., flank, fake retreat to surprise attack, analyzing a foe to deliver the perfect insult.
Surprise attacks: First attack is made versus Difficulty 1.


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