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Airtable Getting Started Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Introducing the "Airtable Cheat Sheet" - your ultimate quick reference guide for mastering Airtable! This handy cheat sheet covers essential topics, including the top 10 formulas, a comprehensive overview of field types, and best practices for formula creation and Airtable base design. We've also included valuable tips on automation to streamline your workflow and optimize your productivity.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Airtable Views

Grid View
• Default view for tables
• Displays records in rows and columns
• Ideal for data entry and editing
Calendar View

• Visualize records with date fields in a calendar format
• Drag and drop records to adjust dates
• Great for project management and scheduling

Top 10 Formulas


Formula best practices


Airtable base design best practices


Field types