Katana commonly used hot keys
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Node Graph
Tab |
Displays node creation menu, filtering names by each character typed (* works) |
K |
Tab for shading nodes only |
J |
Go > Jump to bookmark - pan/zoom the display to the chosen item |
F |
Frame selected node / Frame entire nodegraph if nothing is selected |
A |
View All nodes |
G |
Group selected nodes in a single "group" node |
U |
Ungroup a group node |
Ctrl + Enter |
Go -> Enter selected group |
Ctrl + Backspace |
Go <- Back out of a group (or up one level) |
D |
Toggle the disabled state of the node |
Q |
Edit > Toggle expression link visibility |
T |
Displays the node type and comments |
` (backtick) |
Begin/End connections between nodes |
Delete |
Delete selected node |
X |
Extract selected node |
R |
Replace selected node |
Y |
Align selected node |
Alt + D |
Disable multiple nodes |
cancel rendering |
A (over CEL) |
Appends SceneGraph Location to CEL |
R (over CEL) |
Replace SceneGraph Location |
Ctrl + S |
File -> Save |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
Save all live groups |
Ctrl + Z |
Edit -> Undo |
Ctrl + R |
Edit -> Redo |
Esc |
Cancels Renders |
P |
Render -> Render View Node |
Ctrl + Shift + P |
Live Render |
\ (Backslash) |
Render -> Re-Render Previous |
Alt + MMB Drag |
Pans any scrollable area |
Spacebar |
Maximizes Panels w/focus (Exception: monitor panel will cycle through 2 renders) |
Ctrl + Spacebar |
Maximizes Monitor Panel |
Spacebar on Tab |
Maximizes all windows |
Ctrl Tab |
Cycles through tabs |
pixkatana --crash |
To recover autosaved files |
Ctrl + B |
Sticky drag |
R/G/B/A/Y |
Toggle channels / luminance |
C |
RGB channels restored |
Tab |
Toggles between Monitor/Catalog |
Ctrl + Spacebar |
Maximizes Monitor Panel |
F |
Fit images to monitor window |
Home |
Reset to 1:1 |
Ctrl + Left click drag |
Pixel probe |
Alt + Up arrow/Down arrow |
Adjust gamma |
Lights & Render Panel
A |
Add lights and filters |
C |
Create new comp |
R |
Create new render |
Tab |
Cycle through light manipulaters |
G |
Toggles grid on/off |
RMB (drag left/right) |
Zooms |
Backspace |
History backward |
Shift Backspace |
History forward |
T |
Black background displayed |
Alt + T |
Grey background displayed |