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dbt (data build tool) cheat sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

dbt (data build tool) cheat sheet by Jie

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

General Commands

dbt build
Build and test all selected resources (models, seeds, snapshots, tests)
dbt compile
compiles (but does not run) the models in a project
dbt deps
downloads depend­encies for a project
dbt docs
generates docume­ntation for a project
dbt run
runs the models in a project
dbt run-op­eration
runs arbitrary mainte­nance SQL against the database
dbt seed
loads CSV files into the database
dbt snapshot
executes "­sna­psh­ot" jobs defined in a project
dbt source
provides tools for working with source data (including validating that sources are "­fre­sh")
dbt test
executes tests defined in a project

CLI Only

dbt clean
deletes artifacts present in the dbt project
dbt debug
debugs dbt connec­tions and projects
dbt init
initia­lizes a new dbt project
dbt list
lists resources defined in a dbt project
dbt parse
parses a project and writes detailed timing info
dbt rpc
runs an RPC server that clients can submit queries to