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Stand-Up Comedy 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Summary Table for ESL teachers

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Stand-up comedy can be defined as a comedic perfor­mance addressing a live audience in the goals of making them laugh. It usually is a rhetorical perfor­mance but many comedians employ crowd intera­ction as part of their set or routine.

Types of humor
Physical comedy, from clowns to slapstick, engages through expressive antics. Self-d­epr­ecating humor adds a personal touch, while surreal and observ­ational genres explore the absurd­ities of life. Improv­isation showcases sponta­neity, and wit-wo­rdplay entertains through linguistic clever­ness. Topical comedy critiques current events, and anecdotal humor shares relatable life narrat­ives. Satiric comedy exagge­rates societal norms, while dark humor navigates taboo subjects. Slapstick revels in physical antics, charac­ter­-based humor involves impers­ona­tion, and deadpan comedy employs emotio­nless delivery for comedic effect.


Purpose: Stand-up comedy entert­ains, informs and connects with audiences through humor, often addressing societal issues, cultural nuances, and personal experi­ences in a lighth­earted and relatable way.
Cultural importance: Stand-up comedy is a window into language, cultural subtleties and societal norms. The genre reflects and comments on cultural diversity, social issues and everyday life, which allows language learners to understand the cultural intric­acies of the language they are studying.

Pedago­gical relevance

- Authentic Language Use: Offers authentic and colloquial language use, exposing learners to informal language, idioms, and slang commonly used in everyday conver­sation.
- Cultural Fluency: Through comedic narrat­ives, learners gain insights into cultural refere­nces, humor, and societal norms, enhancing their unders­tanding of the target language community.
- Listening and Pronun­ciation Practice: Through listening practice, it allows learners to tune their ears to different accents, intona­tions, and pacing, thus improving their pronun­ciation and compre­hension skills.
- Expressive Commun­ica­tion: Encourages learners to express themselves creati­vely, using humor and wit, fostering confidence in their language profic­iency.


- Comedians and TV-show hosts usually produce this genre.
- Everyone reads or listens to this genre.
- Comedy can be different between cultures, countries, social contexts (with family­/fr­ien­ds/­cow­ork­ers…). Cultural nuances, interp­ersonal relati­onships and societal dynamics play a role in shaping comedic prefer­ences, making humor contex­t-d­epe­ndent and diverse. Thus, the content of stand-ups will change depending on contexts.

Special consid­era­tions

Encourage indivi­dua­lity, constr­uctive feedback, perfor­mance techni­ques, writing workshops, handling nerves, and studying successful comedians.


Facial Expres­sions, gestures, body Language, use of stage space, prop usage and intera­ction with the audience
Jokes, punchl­ines, setup, callbacks, storyt­elling, observ­ational humor, wordplay and cultural references

Three-part joke formula

Part 1
The set up - setting the scene, establ­ishing the context; should grab audience’s attention
Part 2
The build - developing the joke, adding layers and giving details; should be funny and engaging to keep the audience interested and invested in the joke
Part 3
The punchline - delivering the punchline, the final, surprising and humorous part of the joke; should be clever, unexpected and satisfy the audience

Teaching strategies

Relevant themes
Often drawing inspir­ation from everyday life, relati­ons­hips, societal norms, and personal experi­ences.
Comedians use humor to shed light on the absurd­ities and contra­dic­tions in these themes.
Common topics include family dynamics, social issues, techno­logy, and the human condition. The effect­iveness of stand-up often lies in the relata­bility of the themes to the audience.
Stand-up comedy is primarily a spoken and perfor­­mative genre.. It is presented live on stage, with the comedian delivering jokes, anecdotes, and commentary directly to the audience. However, stand-up can also be presented through recorded perfor­mances, such as comedy specials on television or online platforms.
The visual aspect is essential, as facial expres­sions, body language, and timing contribute signif­icantly to the comedic delivery.
However, before the advent of online video streaming, audio-­rec­ordings of stand up perfor­mances were popular in the form of comedy albums.

Linguistic analysis

Varied pitch and tone
Linguistic features
Verb Tenses: Present, Past,
Future Pronouns: First-­person, Second­-person
Sentence Structure: Simple, Complex, Compound
Use of ellipses for pauses
Exclam­ation for emphasis
Rhetorical questions for engagement
Everyday language mixed with impactful vocabulary
Varied to suit different comedic styles
High-f­req­uency words for access­ibility
Linguistic teachable elements
Sarcasm, irony, slang, colloq­uia­lisms, rhetorical devices, jargon, niche language, parody, imitation, incong­ruity, self-d­epr­eca­tion, word repetition

Linguistic elements

- Wordplay: Incorp­orate puns, double entendre, and clever word choices.
- Vocabu­lary: Use a range of vocabulary suitable for the target audience.
- Cultural Sensit­ivity: Be mindful of cultural references and language nuances.
- Syntax: Play with sentence structure for comedic effect.
- Repeti­tion: Employ repetition strate­gically for emphasis and humor.
- Allite­ration: Use repetition of initial consonant sounds for comedic impact.
- Incong­ruity: Highlight linguistic incong­ruities for comedic surprise.

Teaching ideas

- Have students create their own stand-up routines, adding elements of humor and personal experi­ences. This activity can involve collab­oration with drama teachers for guidance on perfor­mance skills and comedic techni­ques.

- Collab­orate with language teachers from other countries to organize a storyt­elling exchange. Students share humorous anecdotes from their culture, fostering cross-­cul­tural unders­tanding and language practice.

- Invite local comedians for a live session or arrange virtual sessions with comedians from diverse cultural backgr­ounds. Students can analyze different comedic styles, gain insights into cultural humor, and interact with comedians in Q&A sessions.

Perfor­mance techniques

Facial Expres­sions
Body Language
Voice Variation
Eye Contact
Use of Space Props
Acting Skills
Cohesive Set Structure

Practical elements

Audience (reading the room, eye contact, relata­bility)
Format (opening, bits, punchl­ines, call-b­acks, transi­tions, closing and courtesy)
Delivery (voice, facial expres­sions, body language)
Pace (timing, rhythm)

Perfor­mance techniques

Facial Expres­sions
Body Language
Voice Variation
Eye Contact
Use of Space Props
Acting Skills
Cohesive Set Structure

Educat­ional links