Accommodative Insufficiency
Low accommodative amplitude |
Low AC/A |
High Lag |
Fails -2.00 (OD, OS, OU) |
Low PRA |
Eso at near |
*Ill-sustained accomm. is milder case of AI
Accommodative Excess
High AC/A |
Low Lag (or lead) |
Fails +2.00 (OD, OS, OU) |
Low NRA |
Eso at near |
*Accomm. Spasm is severe form of AE - spasm of near triad
Accommodative Infacility
Fails/difficulty +2.00 & -2.00 (OD, OS, OU) |
Low NRA & PRA |
Basic Eso
Eso similar dist & near |
Reduced BI (dist & near) |
Eso fd (dist & near) |
Normal AC/A |
Large Lag |
Low PRA |
Fail -2.00 OU |
Convergence Excess
Near Eso > Dist Eso high tonic vergence |
^Near Eso, Dist Ortho normal tonic vergence |
Reduced NBI (DBI may be reduced), BI facility (near) |
Eso fd |
Moderate hyperopia |
High AC/A |
High Lag |
Low PRA |
Difficulty/fails -2.00 OU |
Convergence Insufficiency
Near Exo > Dist Exo low tonic vergence |
Dist Ortho, Near Exo normal tonic vergence |
Reduced NPC |
Reduced NBO and BO facility |
Low AC/A |
Small lag (or plano) |
Low NRA |
Difficulty +2.00 OU |
Exo fd |
Pseudo Convergence Insufficiency
Near Exo > Dist Exo |
Receded NPC (noncom. & accom. target about the same) |
Reduced PFV (or BO) at near |
Reduced PRA |
Fails -2.00 OU, Low OD, OS |
Low amplitude |
Large lag (>+1.00) |
Additional plus at near may reduced exo &/or improve NPC |
Really an underlying accom. insufficiency
Divergence Insufficiency
Dist Eso > Near Eso high tonic vergence |
Reduced DBI, BI facility (dist) |
Eso fd at distance |
Low AC/A |
Divergence Excess
Dist Exo > Near Exo low tonic vergence (tropia or phoria) |
Normal or limited DBI (adequate DBO) |
High AC/A |
Basic Exophoria
Exo similar dist & near |
Reduced BO (dist & near) |
Possibly receded NPC |
Redced BO facility (dist & near) |
Exo fd (dist & near) |
Normal AC/A |
Small Lag |
Low NRA |
Fail +2.00 OU |
Fusional Vergence Dysfunction (Bino Instability)
Reduced BI & BO dist and near |
Reduced vergence facility (BO &/or BI at DV &/or NV) |
NRA & PRA may be low |
May fail/difficulty binocular accomm. facility |
Normal AC/A |
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