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Memory Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Chapter 6 on memory in psyc 101.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

What is memory:

The ability to store and retrieve inform­ation over time.
The process of transf­erring what we perceive, think or feel into an enduring memory
The process of mainta­ining inform­ation in memory over time.
The process of bringing inform­ation that has been previously encoded and stored.

Semantic encoding:

Semantic encoding:
Is the process of relating new inform­ation in a meaningful way to knowledge that is already stores.
Semantic judgem­ents:
Required the partic­ipants to think about the meaning of the words.
Rhyme judgement:
Required the partic­ipants to think about the sound of the words.
Case judgement:
Required the partic­ipants to think about the appearance of the words.