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PSYC300A - exam #1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

for my exam and my teacher allowed cheat sheets

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


X = Categories of IV
f = frequency of scores
∑ (sigma) = sum (to add something up)
Relative Frequency (rf) = fN
N = total number of scores
Cumulative frequency (cf) = start at bottom f and add up
Cumulative relative frequency (crf) = cfN
Range = Max # - Min #
Population mean = μ
Sample mean = M or x̄
Deviation = x - μ or x-x̄
Variance = Σ(x-x̄)² ፥ N
Standard Deviation (SD) = √Variance OR √SD²
Pearson's coeffi­cient of skew = 3(x̄-Mdn) ➗ SD

Types of scales of measur­ement!

1.) Nominal ("ca­teg­ories of"):
- No quanti­tative distin­ction between observ­ations
- Categories are equivalent and discri­min­able: one is not better than or higher than the other(s) and can be distin­guished from each other
- how many items/­people are in one catego­ry/­group
- do not need/i­nclude crf or cf
- Cant create stem and leaf display
2.) Ordinal ("more of"):
- the data can be catego­rized and ranked
- Cant create stem and leaf display
3.) Interval ("how much of"):
- the data can be catego­rized and ranked, and evenly spaced (e.g., temp)
- Arbitrary zero, therefore, cannot speak meanin­gfully about ratios
- could have negative numbers
4.) Ratio ("Pr­opo­rtion of"):
- Equal intervals between objects represent equal differ­ences (Eg., money)
- Has a meaningful zero

How we describe data

“Bell-­shaped” curve
- Normal distri­bution, Gaussian distri­bution
- degree to which data values are distri­buted in the tails of the distri­bution
platyk­urtic distri­bution = low degree of peakedness (<0)
normal distri­bution = mesokurtic distri­bution (0)
leptok­urtic distri­bution = high degree of peakedness (>0)


Descri­ptive statistics: Organizes, summar­izes, and commun­icates a group of numerical observ­ations
Infere­ntial statistics: Allows tests of hypotheses using system­atic, objective procedures
Discrete numbers: separate, indivi­sible categories (eg., 4 or 5 children, not 4.34 children)
Continuous numbers: infinite number of values fall between any two observed values (eg., Age, height, weight, time)
Indepe­ndent variable (IV): Feature(s) of a study that is/are used to explain or explore the partic­ipants behaviour
Dependent Variable (DV): Behaviour of the partic­ipants that we are observing, measuring, or recording
Cumulative relative frequency (crf):propo­rtion of scores at or below a particular score
Cumulative frequency (cf): frequency of scores at or below a particular score
Relative frequency (rf): fraction of the total group associated with each scores
Modality:the number of peaks in a frequency distri­bution of data
positive skew: a lot of data on the lower end of the distri­bution
negative skew: a lot of data point on the higher end of the distri­bution
Semi-i­nte­rqu­artile Range (SIQR): the distance of a typical value from the median
Median Absolute deviation (MAD): Absolute measure of how many physical units values deviate from the median

Sum of squared deviations

1.) Compute x̄ = ∑ x X ➗N
2.) Compute the squared deviation for each score: (x−x̄)2
3.) Compute the sum of squared deviations (SS)
4.) Divide SS by N for the mean of squared deviations

Graphic Figures!

If you have nominal or ordinal data: use BAR GRAPH
If you have Interval or Ratio data: use HISTOGRAM, LINE GRAPH, or POLYGON

Measures of Central Tendency!

1.) Mode (Mod or Mo)
- most frequent catego­ry/­score in a distri­bution
- ALWAYS a value that is observed in the dataset
- No infere­ntial statistics
- May not be repres­ent­ative
2.) Median (mdn, md or x̄)
- Physical middle of an ordered set of data (aka, 50th percentile rank)
- less biased when interv­al/­ratio data are severely skewed
- not affected by outliers or extreme scores
- No infere­ntial statistics
3.) Mean
- Average of all numbers
- Most common value used for descri­pti­ve/­inf­ere­ntial analyses
- Applied only to interv­al/­ratio data
- Is biased if the scores are strongly skewed

Data and Central Tendency!

Nominal: Mode
Ordinal: Mode, Median
Interv­al/­Ratio: Mode, Median, Mean

Measur­ement and Variance!

Nominal: none
Ordinal: range, SIQR, MAD
Interv­al/­Ratio: Range, SIQR, MAD, variance, SD

Interp­ret­ation of skew value

Range of Values
Between 0 and 0.5
Normal distri­bution
Use Mean and SD
Between .5 and 1.0
Mild to moderate skew
Use Mean and SD
Between 1.o and 2.0
moderate to strong skew
Use Mean and SD if closer to 1.0 than 2.0
Greater than 2.0
Severe skew
Use Median and MAD

Measures of Variab­ility!

1.) Range
- Distance covered by scores in a distri­bution from the smallest score (min) and largest score (max)
- unreli­able: sensitive to extreme values
- least preferred option of measures of variab­ility
2.) Semi-I­nte­rqu­artile Range (SIGR)
- Half the range of the middle 50% of observ­ations
- Can be used with ordinal, interval, and ratio scales
- Not affected by outliers or extreme scores
- Some values in the distri­bution are excluded
3.) Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)
- How to calculate it:
→ Find the median of the data set
→Compute the absolute deviation of each value in the data set from the median
→Subtract the median from the value
remove +/- (if they apply)
→Order the absolute deviation values from low to high:
→Find the median of the ordered deviation values: Mad
- less sensitive (than standard deviation) to extreme scores or skews in data
- not useful in advanced statis­tical procedures
4.) Variance
- average squared distance from the mean
– for computing descri­ptive statistics only
5.) Standard Deviation (SD)
- measure of the standa­rd/­average distance from the mean (how dispersed the scores are around the mean)
- sensitive to extreme scores or outliers and is therefore biased with skewed distri­butions

Symmet­rical vs. Skewed !

+ Skewed
- skewed
Mean and median are always the same (in the middle)
mean the closest to the tail end
mode varies
mode is where the peak is
median is in between
Tail pointed towards high #
Tail pointed towards low #
Use Median and median absolute deviations for extremely skewed data