Anorectal abscess/fistula
Anorectal abscess (def.) A result of an infection in one of the anal sinuses, collection of pus adjacent to anus
Clinical features--abscess Painful swelling and painful defecation, exam shows tenderness/erythema/swelling. No fever. Deeper abscesses more likely to have fever
Treatment--abscess Surgical drainage, warm-water cleansing, analgesics, stool softener, high-fiber diet (WASH regimen)
Anorectal fistula (def.) An open tract (communication) between two epithelium-lined areas, most commonly associated w/ deeper anorectal abscesses
Clinical features--fistula Anal discharge and pain when tract becomes occluded. Do NOT explore tract on exam, might open up new tracts
Treatment--fistula Surgery
Definition Occurs when obstruction of the appendix leads to inflammation and infection
Etiology Fecalith (less common: CMV/adenovirus, collagen vascular dz, IBD)
About Most common abdominal emergency surgery, pts age 10-30
Patient sx if perforation-->peritonitis) High-grade fever, generalized abdominal pain, leukocytosis
Clinical Features Periumbilical/epigastric pain-->localizes to RLQ (McBurney's point) w/in 12 hours, worsened by movement, rebound tenderness on exam, nausea, anorexia, low-grade fever, positive Psoas & Obturator signs
Lab Findings Leukocytosis (10-20,000), microscopic hematuria/pyuria, abdominal CT can confirm dx and locate abnormally-placed appendix
Treatment Surgery (appendectomy) +/- broad-spectrum abx if suspecter perforation (before and after surgery)
Anal Fissure
Definition Linear lesions in the rectal wall, most commonly on the posterior midline
Clinical features Severe tearing pain on defecation, often with hematochezia (bright red blood often noted on TP or in toilet)
Treatment Bulking agents + increased fluids to avoid straining. Sitz baths to relieve acute pain. Topical nitroglycerin or topical styptic (silver nitrate) to help with healing
Fecal Impaction
Definition A large mass of hard, retained stool. Usually in the rectum but can also happen higher up in the colon
Complications Urinary tract obstruction, UTI, spontaneous perforation of the colon, stercoral ulcer where the mass has pressed on the colon, fecalith formation (can lead to appendicitis)
What kind of impaction generally indicates neoplasm? More proximal impaction
Clinical Features Abdominal pain, rectal discomfort, anorexia, N/V, HA, malaise, ACS, incontinence of small amounts of water and semi-formed stool (as leakages pass by impaction), rock-hard stool in the vault, abdominal mass palpated
Treatment Manual disimpaction followed by saline/tepid water enema, proximal disimpaction done by sigmoidoscopic water irrigation and suction
Pilonidal Disease
Pilonidal cyst (def.) An abscess in the sacrococcygeal cleft associated w/ subsequent sinus tract infection
Patient population M>>F, in hirsute and obese pts, <40yo
Clinical Presentation Painful, fluctuant area at the sacrococcygeal cleft
Treatment Surgical drainage +/- antibiotics (may require follicle removal with unroofing of sinus tracts)
Definition Varices of the hemorrhoidal plexus (normal anatomy)
Dentate line Separates external from internal hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids Visible perianally
Stage I Internal hemorrhoids Confined to the anal canal, may bleed with defecation
Stage II Internal hemorrhoids Protrude from the anal opening but reduce spontaneously, bleeding and mucoid discharge may occur
Stage III Internal hemorrhoids Require manual reduction after BM, patients may have pain and discomfort
Stage IV Internal hemorrhoids Chronically protruding and risk strangulation
Treatment (Stages I and II) High fiber diet + increased fluids + bulk laxatives
Treatment (higher stages) Suppositories with anesthetic + astringent properties
When is surgery considered? For all Stage IV hemorrhoids and those that are unresponsive to conservative treatment-->injection, rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy
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