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ACNP Pulmonary Pleural Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

ACNP Student Pulmonary Rotation

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Pleural Effusion

Caused by increased drainage of fluid into the pleural space, increased production of fluid by cells in the pleural space, or decreased doing of fluid from the pleural space.
CHF is most common cause.
• Bacterial pneumonia, malign­ancies (36% of lung, 25% of breast, 10% of lymphoma), PE, viral diseases, and cirrhosis with ascites.
Often asympt­omatic. Dyspnea on exertion, peripheral edema, orthopnea, and PND.
Dullness to percussion, decreased breath sounds, and decreased tactile fremitus.
Transu­dative Effusions
Pathop­hys­iology is due to either elevated capillary pressure in the visceral or parenteral pleura (as in CHF), or decreased plasma oncotic pressure (hypoa­lbu­min­emia).
• Causes include CHF, cirrhosis, PE, nephrotic syndrome, peritoneal dialysis, hypoal­bum­inemia, and atelec­tasis.
• pH is normally 7.4-7.55.
Exudative Effusions
Caused by increased permea­bility of pleural surfaces or decreased lymphatic flow from the pleural surface because of damage to pleural membranes or vascul­ature.
• Causes are bacterial pneumonia, TB, malign­ancy, metastatic disease, PE, viral infection, and collagen vascular diseases.
• Exudates must have >1 of the following. Protein pleura­l/p­rotein serum >0.5. LDH pleura­l/LDH serum >0.6. LDH> 2/3 upper limit of normal serum LDH.
• pH is 7.3-7.45. If <7.3, empyema, tumor, fibrosis.


• Exudative pleural effusions left untreated can lead to empyema.
• Most cases occur as a compli­cation of bacterial pneumonia, but other foci of infection can spread to the pleural space (media­sti­nhtis, abscess).
CXR and CT
• Aggressive drainage of the pleura via thorac­entesis and antibiotic therapy.
• Very difficult to eradicate and recurrence is common.
• If severe and persis­tent, rib resection and open drainage may be necessary.

Tests + Treatment

• Look for blunting of the costop­hrenic angle.
•250mL must accumulate before an effusion can be detected.
• Lateral decubitus films are more reliable for detecting small pleural effusions.
• Can also determine if the fluid is free or located.
CT Scan
More reliable than CXR.
• For transu­dative, diuretics, sodium restri­ction, and therap­eutic thorac­entesis if massive and causing dyspnea.
• For exudative, treat underlying disease.
• For parapn­eumonic effusions, antibi­otics alone if uncomp­lic­ated.
Compli­cated effusions or empyema require chest tube drainage, intrac­ellular injection of thromb­olytic agents (strep­tok­inase or urokinase) to accelerate drainage, and/or surgical lysis of adhesions.
• Useful if etiology is not obvious.
• Provides a diagnosis in 75% of patients.
• Drainage provides relief of symptoms for large effusions.
• Pneumo­thorax is a compli­cation in 10-15% of cases, but requires treatment with a chest tube in <5%.
• Do not perform if effusion is <10mm thick on lateral decubitus CXR.
• Send fluid for CBC, protein, LDH, pH, glucose, gram stain, and cytology, Chemistry, cytology, cell count, and culture.
Pleural Fluid Tests
• CBC, glucose, pH, amylase, TGs, microb­iology, and cytology.
Elevated pleural amylase is associated with esophageal rupture, pancre­atitis, and malign­ancy.
• Milky, opalescent fluid is a chylot­horax.
• Frankly purulent fluid is empyema.
• Bloody effusion is associated with malign­ancy.
• Exudative effusions that are primarily lympho­cytic are associated with TB.
• pH<7.2 is associated with parapn­eumonic effusion or empyema.
• If glucos­e<60, rule out RA. Can also be low in other causes.


• Often iatrog­enic.
• Always obtain a CXR after transt­horacic needle aspira­tion, thorac­ent­esis, and central line placement.
Sponta­neous Primary
• Occur without underlying lung disease.
• Caused by sponta­neous rupture of subpleural blebs (air-f­illed sacs on the lung) at the apex of lungs.
• Escape of air from the lung into the pleural space causes lung to collapse.
• More common in tall, lean young men.
• Patients have sufficient pulmonary reserve, so severe respir­atory distress does not occur in most cases.
• Recurrence rate is 50% in 2 years.
Sponta­neous Secondary
• Occurs as a compli­cation of underlying lung disease, most commonly COPD.
• Smoking leads to chronic airway inflam­mation and formation of respir­atory bronch­iol­itis.
• The chronic destru­ction of alveoli leads to large alveolar blebs in the upper lobes, which can rupture and leak air into the pleural space.
• Other conditions include asthma, ILD, neoplasms, CF, and TB. More life-t­hre­atening because of lack of pulmonary reserve.
Ipsila­teral chest pain, usually sudden in onset. Dyspnea, cough.
Decreased breath sounds, hyperr­eso­nance, decrea­sed­/absent tactile fremitus, medias­tinal shift toward the side of the pneumo­thorax.
Shows visceral pleural line.
• If small and asympt­omatic, observ­ation as it should resolve sponta­neously in ~20days.
• Small chest tube with one-way valve may benefit some patients.
• If pneumo­thorax is larger or sympto­matic, supple­mental oxygen and chest tube insertion.
• If secondary, chest tube drainage is always indicated.

Tension Pneumo­thorax

• Accumu­lation of air within the pleural space such that tissues surrou­nding the opening into the pleural cavity act as valves, allowing air to enter but not to escape.
• The accumu­lation of air under positive pressure in the pleural space collapses the ipsila­teral lung and shifts the medias­tinum away form the side of the pneumo­thorax.
Trauma, CPR, mechanical ventil­ation with associated barotr­auma.
Hypote­nsion (cardiac filling is impaired due to compre­ssion of the great veins), distended neck veins, shift of trachea away from pneumo­thorax, decreased breath sounds, hyper resonance to percus­sion.
Do not order CXR. Medical emergency. The patient is likely to die of hemody­namic compro­mise. Immedi­ately decompress with large-bore needle or chest tube.