Document Outline
Version of (X)HTML |
<html> |
HTML document |
<head> |
Page information |
<body> |
Page contents |
<!-- --> |
Comments |
Page Information
<base /> |
Base URL |
<meta /> |
Meta data |
<title> |
Title |
<link /> |
link to CSS |
<style> |
Insert CSS |
<script> |
Insert JavaScript |
Document Structure
<h[1-6]> |
Heading |
-> h1 most important, h6 least important |
<div> |
Page section |
<span> |
Inline section |
<p> |
Paragraph |
<br /> or <br> |
Line break |
<hr /> or <hr> |
Horizontal rule |
Anchors (link)
<a href="URL"> |
anchor (link) |
Absolute links - "" Relative links - "example.html" Root-relative links - "/page" |
<a href="mailto:"> |
Email link |
<a href="tel:"> |
Phone dial link |
<a id="name"> |
Anchor |
<a href="#name"> |
Link to anchor |
<a target="_value"> |
specifies link location |
_blank - in a new window or tab _self - in the same window/tab (default) _parent - in the parent frame _top - in the full body of the window framename - in a named frame |
<a title="title"> |
specifies extra information about an element that shown as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element. |
<a download> or <a download="name"> |
Specifies that the target will be downloaded. The value of the attribute will be the name of the downloaded file. If the value is omitted, the original filename is used. |
<a hreflang="language_code"> |
Specifies the language of anchor linked |
<a rel="value"> |
specifies relationship with current document |
Favicon (shortcut icon)
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" /> |
Include an icon in the title. |
Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
Scheme |
Short for |
Used for |
http |
HyperText Transfer Protocol |
Common web pages. Not encrypted |
https |
Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol |
Secure web pages. Encrypted |
ftp |
File Transfer Protocol |
Downloading or uploading files |
file |
A file on your computer |
<form action="URL" method="get | post"> |
Form |
<label for="id"> |
Label |
<input /> |
form input |
attribute: maxlength |
maximum length of input |
attribute: name |
name for input |
attribute: placeholder |
placeholder for input |
attribute: type="text" |
Text Input |
attribute: type="password" |
Password Input |
attribute: type="hidden" |
Hidden input |
attribute: type="date" |
Date Input |
attribute: type="file" |
File input |
attribute: type="submit" |
Submit button |
attribute: type="image" src="URL" width=" " height=" " |
Image submit button |
attribute: type="email" |
Email input |
attribute: type="url" |
URL input |
attribute: type="search" |
Search input |
Radio button and Checkbox |
attribute: type="radio" value=" " |
Radio button |
attribute: type="checkbox" value=" " |
Checkbox |
attribute: checked="checked" |
pre-checked input |
Drop Down List Box |
<select> |
Drop Down List Box |
<select size="#" multiple="multiple"> |
Multiple Select Box |
<option value=" "> |
option for drop-down list |
attribute: required="required" |
Form Validation |
<button type="button"> |
button |
<fieldset> |
Grouping Form Elements |
<legend> |
caption |
<meta> name Attribute
<meta name="value">
<meta name="author" content=" ">
<meta name="description" content=" ">
<meta name="generator" content=" ">
<meta name="keywords" content=" , , ">
<meta name="viewport" content=" "> |
Other Tags
<embed type=" " src=" "> |
External application |
<nav> |
navigation section |
<header> |
Header section |
<footer> |
Footer section |
attribute: contenteditable="true" |
Allow editable areas |
attribute: spellcheck="true" |
Allow spell check areas |
<ol> |
Ordered list |
<ol type="1|a|A|i|I"> |
1 Default value Decimal numbers 1,2,3,4 a Alphabetically ordered (lowercase) a,b,c,d A Alphabetically ordered (uppercase) A,B,C,D i Roman Numerals (lowercase) i,ii,iii,iv I Roman Numerals (uppercase) I,II,III,IV |
<ol start="number"> |
Define the number the list will start with |
<li value="number"></li> |
Overwrite the number the list will display |
<ul> |
Unordered list |
<li> |
List item |
<dl> |
Definition list |
<dt> |
Definition term |
<dd> |
Term description |
Quotation and Citation Elements
<q> |
Short quotation |
<blockquote cite="URL"> |
Long quotation |
<abbr title=" "> |
Abbreviation |
<address> |
Address |
<cite> |
Citation |
<bdo dir="value"> value = rtl or ltr |
Bi-directional override |
<pre> |
Preformatted text |
<dfn> |
Defining a term |
<code> |
Code |
<var> |
Variable |
<kbd> |
Keyboard input |
<samp> |
Sample output |
<table> |
Table |
<caption> |
Caption |
<thead> |
Table header |
<tbody> |
Table body |
<tfoot> |
Table footer |
<colgroup> |
Column group |
<col> |
Column |
<tr> |
Table row |
<th> |
Header cell |
<td> |
Table cell |
<td colspan="#"> |
Spanning column |
<td rowspan="#"> |
Spanning row |
Image Map
<img src="URL" usemap="#shapes">
<map name="shapes">
<area shape="polygon" coords=" , , ">
<area shape="rectangle" coords=", ,">
<area shape="circle" coords=" , , ">
</map> |
<img /> |
Image |
<figure> |
Contain images and caption |
<figcaption> |
caption of image |
Attribute of image:
src="URL" alt="..." title="..."
width="px" height="px"
Common Character Entities
" |
" |
Quotation mark |
& |
& |
Ampersand |
< |
< |
Less than |
> |
> |
Greater than |
@ |
@ |
"At" symbol |
€ |
€ |
Euro |
• |
• |
Small bullet |
™ |
â„¢ |
Trademark |
£ |
£ |
Pound |
Non-breaking space |
© |
© |
Copyright symbol |
Core Attributes
class=" " |
Indicates Class (non-unique) |
id=" " |
Indicates ID (unique) |
The only restrictions on the value of an id and class are:
- it must not contain any space characters
- it must contain at least one character
- It must begin with a letter, which may followed only by: letters (A-Z/a-z), hyphens ("-"), colons (":"), digits (0-9), underscores ("_"), periods (".")
<script src="URL"></script> |
Include JS |
<script src="URL" async> </script> |
Once JS is fully downloaded, it will interrupt the HTML parsing in order to parse the Javascript file |
<script src="URL" defer> </script> |
HTML parsing will only be performed once the HTML is fully parsed. |
<noscript> JavaScript disabled </noscript> |
The content of <noscript> is displayed whenever Javascript is disabled for the current page. |
Media Elements
<audio controls> |
Audio |
<source src=" " type="audio/mpeg"> |
<video width=" " height=" " controls> |
Video |
<source src=" " type="video/mp4"> |
Browser will display the word between media tags when media is not supported.
<meta> http-equiv Attribute
<meta http-equiv="content-type|default-style|refresh">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="default-style" content="title of preferred stylesheet">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300"> |
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