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Increased Intracranial Pressure (IICP) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

"Increased intracranial pressure (IICP), also called intracranial hypertension, is sustained elevated pressure (15 mmHg or higher in adults) in the cranial cavity" (Pearson, p. 751).

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


In adults, the rigid cranial cavity created by the skull is normally filled with three essent­ially noncom­pre­ssible elements: the brain (85%), CSF (5%), and blood (10%).
A state of dynamic equili­brium exists.
If the volume of any of these components ↑, the volume of the others must ↓ to maintain normal pressures in the cranial cavity.
Monro-­Kellie hypothesis: If volume ↑ in any of brain, CSF, or blood → volume of others must ↓


Brain requires constant supply of oxygen and glucose If blood flow interr­upted → ischemia, disruption of cerebral metabo­lism.
Compen­satory mechanisms to maintain blood flow when ICP increases
‣ Pressure autore­gul­ation
‣ Chemical autore­gul­ation
‣ Displa­cement of some CSF to spinal subara­chnoid space
‣ Increased CSF absorption
Autore­gul­atory mechanisms have limited ability to maintain cerebral blood flow


Head injury
Cerebral edema
‣ Imbalance between produc­tio­n/a­bso­rption of CSF
Excess CSF
‣ Congenital or acquired
Brain tumor or abscess
‣ ‣ Head trauma
Intrac­ranial hemorrhage
‣ ‣ Infection
‣ ‣ Tumor


Identify and treat underlying cause
Control ICP to prevent herniation syndrome
ICP >40 mmHg = life-t­hre­atening medical emergency
Diagnosis made on basis of observ­ation, neurologic assessment
Diagnosis made on basis of observ­ation, neurologic assessment


Loss of autore­gul­ation
• ICP continues to rise, cerebral perfusion falls
• Causes cerebral tissue ischemia, manife­sta­tions of cellular hypoxia
Changes in cortical function
Earliest manife­sta­tions may be delayed by compen­satory measures
• If slow onset of IICP, decrease in level of consci­ousness (LOC) might not be presenting symptoms Instead visual distur­bances, vomiting, or headache
• Lumbar puncture could cause brain herniation
Cushing triad
• Behavior, person­ality changes
• Impaired memory, judgment
• Changes in speech pattern
• LOC decreases to coma, death


Diagnosis made on basis of observ­ation, neurologic assessment
Lumbar puncture not performed when IICP suspected
Release of pressure could cause herniation
Serum osmola­lity, arterial blood gases (ABGs)
Electr­oen­cep­hal­ogram (EEG) may be used to monitor depth of coma or to diagnose brain death
Transc­ranial Doppler (TCD) to measure cerebral blood flow velocity
Especially for patients who have vasospasms related to cerebral hemorrhage


Observ­ation and patient interview
- LOC using GCS
- Any loss of motor control
- Primary complaints
- Events leading up to current condition
- Basic medical hx
Physical examin­ation
- Assessment of neurologic status
- Pupillary size, reaction to light
- V/S, incl. temp.
Ongoing monitoring
- Assess for, report manife­sta­tions of IICP every 15–60 minutes
- Look for trends
- Sudden changes may indicate deteri­oration
- Subtle change may be early sign of declining neurologic condition
Monitor pulse oximetry, ABGs
If device to monitor IICP is in place
- Recording readings
- Assess patency of catheter
- Monitor insertion site for s/s of infection






Ensure adequate oxygen­ation
Reduce intrac­ranial pressure
Reduce enviro­nmental stimul­ation
Reduce enviro­nmental stimul­ation
Prepare patient and family for discharge


Expected outcomes may include
- Patient’s ICP returns to acceptable limits following treatment
- Patient’s LOC improves with reduction of ICP
- Patient experi­ences no infection as result of ICP monitoring
- Family describes approp­riate outcome expect­ations
- Patient and family institute, maintain adequate safety measures after discharge
Some patients require days, weeks, or months of monitoring for ICP changes
- Reassess plan of care to be relevant to patient’s current condition