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IB Biology Topic 5 Evolution and Biodiversity Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

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This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

5.1.1 Evolution and Totality of fossils

Evolution: Change in the heritable charac­ter­istics of a species
Direct Fossil: Bones, teeth, shells, leaves etc
Indirect Fossil: footpr­ints, tooth marks, tracks, burrows etc.
The fossil record reveals that changes occur over time in the features of organisms on the planet.
The law of fossil succession - organisms are not found randomly but in rocks of particular ages in a particular order, suggesting that modern organisms evolved from ancestral species (speci­ation).
Transi­tional fossils - interm­ediary forms over the evolut­ionary pathway from a single genus, provides evidence for evolution - eg. birds from prehis­toric reptiles
The fossil record demons­trates that prokar­yotes precede eukary­otes, and that invert­ebrates precede verteb­rates.
The fossil record is incomplete - fossil­ization requires specific circum­stances to occur, and only the hard parts of an organism is preserved.
Radioi­sotope dating & carbon dating can help determine the age of fossils
Gradualism: Gradual change from common ancestors over time, eg. Galapagos finches
Punctuated Equili­brium / Catast­rophism: (Cambrian explos­ion): a long period of no change, and a catast­rophic event that causes a short and sudden period of big change , eg. volcanic eruptions

5.1.1 Selective Breeding

Artificial selection by man to produce desirable traits in an animal's offspring
As a result, domest­icated breeds of animals can vary compared to the wild counte­rpart.
Examples: Racing horses (speed), draft horses (endur­ance), sheepdogs (herding), cattle (increased milk or meat), greyhounds (racing)

5.1.2 Homologous / Analogous Structures

Homologous Structures
Analogous Structures
inherited from a common ancestral origin, does not necess­arily have the same function
inherited from different ancestral origins, may have similar function but different bone structure and origin
appearance and function diverge over time to make use of enviro­nmental niches (Adaptive radiation / divergent evolution). The more similar the struct­ures, the more likely they are closely related
selective pressure / similar habitats and diets causes the structures to become similar in function or appearance (Convergent evolution)
the feature is adapted to suit various enviro­nmental needs
different species evolve the trait indepe­ndently
example: pentad­actyl limb (humans, horse, cats, whales bats)
example: human eyes and octopus eyes, wings of insects and birds, tail fin of orca and shark
the pentad­actyl limb evolved to suit enviro­nmental niches for locomo­tion, eg., galloping, flying, swimming, using tools in humans
the eyes of the human and the octopus evolved indepe­ndently out of a need to see. wings in insects and birds evolved indepe­ndently out of a need to fly
homologous genes, DNA, embryo structure and other biological molecules are used to determine homologous structures and evolut­ionary relati­onships

5.1.2 Pentad­actyl Limbs

Pentad­actyl Limb

Limb Structures
Single proximal bone (front / top bone) - humerus, femur
Two distal bones (back / bottom bone) - radius & ulna, tibia & fibula
Group of wrist / ankle bones - carpals, tarsals
Series of bones, 5 digits - metaca­rpals & phalanges, metata­rsals & phalanges
Evolut­ionary differ­ences can be seen in the varying length and thickness of the bone. Some metaca­rpals and phalanges ( finger bones) were lost in the penguin's forelimb.

5.1.2 Speciation

Where popula­tions of a species gradually diverge into separate species (ie, they cannot interbreed to produce fertile offspring)
Biological separa­tion: species cannot interbreed due to biological obstacles such as size or number of chromo­somes
Geogra­phical separa­tion: species cannot interbreed due to geographic obstacles - often occurs after a species extends its range by migrating to an island & is why Australia has many endemic species (only found in a certain geogra­phical area)
Continuous variation across a geogra­phical range of related popula­tions match the concept of gradual divergence - as speciation occurs gradually, it can be difficult to group for species and variation
Continuous variation between popula­tions provide evidence for evolution of species and the origin of new species by evolution

5.1.2 Industrial Melanism

An example of how changes to an enviro­nment can cause an evolut­ionary adaptation
Biston betularia - roosts during the day and active at night, are prey to birds
In the countr­yside / unpolluted areas, peppered moths are dominant as they can camouflage on the lichen to hide from predators
In industrial areas where sulphur dioxide kills lichen and soot darkens trees, melanic moths are dominant as their darker colour can help camouflage against the darker trees and protect against predators.
The dark allele is dominant over the light allele & codes for the moth to make more melanin
In industrial areas, melanic moths were more likely to survive and thus pass on the melanic allele to their offspring