print() |
display given info. |
input() |
receives info from user |
int() |
converts a value to an integer |
float() |
converts a value to a floationg point |
str() |
converts a value to a string |
len() |
the length of the string |
== |
equal to |
<= |
less than or equal to |
>= |
more than or equal to |
% |
Modulo, Find the remainder |
# |
Comment, no effect on programming |
whlie True |
continues |
for |
looping forever |
if...then |
"if true" will work, "if false" won't work loop stops |
// |
int outcome |
/ |
float outcome |
Multiplication and Exponent
string * string |
Crash |
string*number |
combines the string multiple times |
number*number |
Math - Multiply |
string**number |
Crash |
number**number |
Math - Exponent |
string**string |
Crash |
Cliff 1003
def isPalindrome (word):
index = 0
# word[0] len(word)-1 -0
numberOfLoops = 0
while index < 1/2*len(word):
numberOfLoops += 1
print('Comparing',word[index] ,word[len(word)-1-index])
if word[index] == word[len(word)-1-index]:
index = index + 1
print ('loops:',numberOfLoops)
return False
print ('loops:',numberOfLoops)
return True
while True:
user_input =input("what is your word? ")
if user_input == "quit":
print (len(user_input))
myword = isPalindrome(user_input)
if myword == True:
print ((user_input),"is a palindrome")
print ((user_input),"isn't a palindrome")
Max Value in list / Max value
def max2(num1,num2):
maxvalue = num1
if num2 > maxvalue:
maxvalue = num2
return maxvalue
print (max2 (4,3))
print (max2 (3,22))
answer = max2 (1,5)
print (answer)
def max3(num1,num2,num3):
maxvalue = num1
if num2 > maxvalue:
maxvalue = num2
if num3 > maxvalue:
maxvalue = num3
return maxvalue
print (max3 (10,7,8))
print (max3 (7,10,8))
print (max3 (7,8,10))
def maxlist(list):
maxvalue = list[0]
for num in list:
if maxvalue < num:
maxvalue = num
return maxvalue
print (maxlist(range(0,101)))
mylist = 1,5,76,23,78,34,5678,2,5,8,675,2,6,86,54,23,6,8
print (maxlist(mylist))
import random
intlist = [1,2,3,4,5]
random_int = random.choice(intlist)
print (intlist,random_int)
fplist = [2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5]
random_fp = random.choice(fplist)
print (fplist,random_fp)
strlist = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
random_str = random.choice(strlist)
print (strlist,random_str)
mylist = [1,9.9,"hello"]
random_mylist = random.choice(mylist)
print (mylist,random_mylist)
myvar1 = 1
myvar2 = 2
myvar3 = 3
varlist = [myvar1,myvar2,myvar3]
random_var = random.choice(varlist)
print (varlist,random_var)
import |
imports program |
random |
given written program |
random.choice() |
random items in the list |
Variable |
something that can change |
String |
a list of characters |
Print |
display given info. |
Syntax |
Grammar/Structure of language |
Modulo |
Find the remainder |
Boolean |
True/False |
Reverse word
while True
word = input("Please enter a word")
index = 0
reverse = ""
while int(index) < len(word)
reverse = word[index] + (reverse)
index = int(index) + 1
print ("Reverse: ", reverse)
if else |
if the statement is true then do the command under. Else do command under else |
elif |
Similar to if else, but allows more conditions. (short abbreviation for if else |
for loop |
Will loop through every element of the set |
while loop |
A loop condition with conditions 1.initial value 2.ending condition 3.update |
while true |
While the statement is true keep looping |
Concatenation |
Joins the strings by linking then end to end |
Convert into binary
user_number = ""
while user_number != ' 0 ':
user_number = input ("Enter a number to convert into binary")
number = int(user_number)
binary_string = ""
while (number > 0):
remainder = number%2
binary_string = str(remainder) = binary_string
number = number // 2
print ("Binary string is ",binary_string)
Finding the triangle (area,volume)
def areaoftriangle(num1,num2):
area = 1/2num1num2
return area
user_base = float(input('what is your base of the triangle; '))
user_height = float(input('what is your height of the triangle; '))
print ('The area of the triangle is: ',areaoftriangle(user_base,user_height))
def volofprism(base,height,prism_height):
volume = areaoftriangle(base,height) * prism_height
return volume
user_prism = int(input('Enter the prism height; '))
print ("The volume of the prism is; ", volofprism(user_base,user_height,user_prism))
Guessing Game
import random
score = 0
chances = 5
print ("Score:", score)
print ("Chances:", chances)
mylist = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'mango', 'cherry']
print (mylist)
random_item = random.choice(mylist)
while chances > 0 :
user_guess = input("Guess a word:")
if user_guess == random_item:
print ("That's correct!")
score = score+100
print ("Score:", score)
print ("Chances:", chances)
random_item = random.choice(mylist)
if user_guess in mylist:
print ("Sorry, wrong choice!")
chances = chances-1
print ("Score:", score)
print ("Chances:", chances)
print ("Sorry, that is not even in the list")
chances = chances-1
print ("Score:", score)
print ("Chances:", chances)
print ("Game over! The word was", random_item)
print ("Final Score", score)
Countdown Machine
user_number = input("What number do you want to countdown? ")
number = int(user_number)
countdown_string = ' '
while number > 0
countdown = countdown_string - str(number) + " "
number = number - 1
print (countdown_string) |
Math Operation Function Writing
def calc(num1,num2,operation):
if operation == "sum":
return sum(num1,num2)
elif operation == "product":
return product(num1,num2)
elif operation == "diff":
return diff(num1,num2)
elif operation == "div":
return div(num1,num2)
def sum(a,b):
return (a+b)
def product(a,b):
return (a*b)
def diff(a,b):
return (a-b)
def div(a,b):
if b != 0 :
return a//b
print ("ERROR")
Naming Convention
Rules for giving names
- letter
- numbers
- underscore_
Valid name
- _mystr
- my6
- Kawazoe_Kyousuke
Invalid name
- 3my = "whatever" #can't start with a number
- Kawa zoe = "whatever" #can't have space
- first-name = "somthing" #can't have "-" |
True / False
True or ... / ... or True |
True |
False and ... / ... and False |
False |
22/03/16 code
theList = ['1','2','3']
for item in theList:
index = 0
whileList = ['1','2','3','4']
while index < len(whileList):
print (whileList[index])
index = index + 1
while True:
user_input = (input("your word?: "))
print ("your length of the word is: ",len(user_input))
if user_input == "exit":
def theFunction():
while True:
user_input = input("word: ")
if user_input == "stop":
def computeThis(a1,b2):
product = a1*b2
print (product)
computeThis (2,5)
def finalFunction(string):
print ("*",(string),"*")
finalFunction ("cliff")
print item using while
index = 0
whileList = ['1','2','3','4']
while index < len(whileList):
print (whileList[index])
index = index + 1
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