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My cheat sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


POPIT - Four view model: Organi­sation, Inform­ation & Techno­logy, People, Processes
SWOT - Strengths, Weakne­sses, Opport­uni­ties, Threats
PESTLE - Political, Econom­ical, Socio-­cul­tural, Techno­log­ical, Legal, Enviro­nmental
MOST - Mission, Object­ives, Strategy, Tactics
CSF - Critical Success Factors
KPI - Key perfor­mance indicators
PID - project initiation document
TOR - Terms of reference
CATWOE - Customer, Actors, Transf­orm­ation, World view, Owner, Enviro­nment
DCF - Discounted cash flow
NPV - Net Present Value
IRR - Internal rate of return

Business change lifecycle

Business change lifecycle

This has two stages – aligning the direction of the organi­sation with
changes in the business enviro­nment and aligning the IT provision with the needs of the business. The business strategy defines the overall direction of the organi­sation and the enterprise archit­ecture shows how the organi­sation will implement that strategy
With a clear strategy and enterprise archit­ecture in place, specific
projects, some involving IT and some not, can be defined and business cases should be prepared and authorised for them
Now, the specific projects are defined in more detail, taking into
account the four aspects defined in the four-view model
In this stage, the change – to IT, to the organi­sation, to the processes and to the people – is developed, tested and deployed
Finally, the benefits expected from the business change are evaluated to
see if they have been achieved. This may also lead to the identi­fic­ation of further activities needed to secure the benefits