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Epithelium, Connective, & Muscle Tissue Epithelium Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

anatomy study guide cheat sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Covering, lining, absorp­tion, secretion. Covers body surfaces, lines cavities, consti­tutes glands; for protec­tion, absorp­tion, secretion.
General Features:
Basal lamina, avascular, regene­ration, polarity, junctional complex..
Simple, strati­fied, pseudo­str­ati­fied; squamous, cuboidal, columnar.

Specific Types:

Simple Squamous: Thin barrier, facili­tates exchange (e.g., lung alveoli).
Pseudo­str­ati­fied: Appears strati­fied; secretion, cilia-­med­iated transport (e.g., respir­atory tract).
Simple Cuboidal: Absorption and secretion (e.g., exocrine glands).
Stratified Squamous: Protec­tion, prevents water loss (e.g., skin, esopha­gus).
Simple Columnar: Absorp­tion, secretion, lubric­ation (e.g., intest­ine).
Transi­tional: Disten­sible property, changes shape (e.g., bladder).
Simple Epithelia: Single layer; types include squamous, cuboidal, columnar. Stratified Epithelia: Multiple layers; types include squamous (kerat­inized, non-ke­rat­ini­zed), cuboidal, columnar, transi­tional. Special Struct­ures: Microv­illi, cilia, stereo­cilia for absorp­tion, secretion, sensory functions.

Connective Tissue

Functions: Connects tissues, metabolic support, highly vascular. Compon­ents: Extrac­ellular matrix (ground substance and fibers), connective tissue cells. Fibers: Collagen (tensile strength), elastic (elast­icity), reticular (support). Cells: Fibrob­lasts (extra­cel­lular matrix synthe­sis), adipocytes (fat storage), macrop­hages (immune response), mast cells (infla­mmation mediat­ors).

Connective Tissue

Functions: Connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs. Compon­ents: Extrac­ellular Matrix (ECM): Ground substance and fibers (collagen, elastic, reticu­lar). Cells: Fibrob­lasts (principal cells), adipoc­ytes, macrop­hages, mast cells, various blood cells. Types: Loose Connective Tissue: More cells, less fibers; supports organs, vessels, nerves. Dense Connective Tissue: More fibers, less cells; types include regular (tendons, ligaments) and irregular (dermis). Specia­lized Connective Tissue: Cartilage, bone, blood.

Muscle Tissue

Charac­ter­istics: Contra­cti­lity, movement, shape and size change of organs. Types: Skeletal Muscle: Striated, voluntary control. Cardiac Muscle: Striated, involu­ntary control, interc­alated discs. Smooth Muscle: Non-st­riated, involu­ntary control, lines hollow organs.

Learning objectives

ANT.2: Understand the micros­copic anatomy and functional correlates of epithelia.
ANT.3: Understand the micros­copic anatomy and functions of connective tissues and muscles.

Textbook readings:

• PawlinaW. & Ross M. H. (2024). Histology: A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology (9th ed.). Philad­elphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. • http:/­/au­ame­d.i­dm.o­cl­c.o­rg/­log­in?­url­=ht­tps­://­pre­miu­mba­sic­sci­enc­es.l­ww­hea­lth­lib­rar­y.c­om/­boo­k.a­spx­?bo­oki­d=3290
• Agur, A. M. R., Dalley, A. F., & Moore, K. L. (2024). Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy (7th ed.). Philad­elphia: Wolters­tp:­//a­uam­ed.i­dm.oc­lc.o­rg­/lo­gin­?ur­l=h­ttp­s:/­/pr­emi­umb­asi­csc­ien­ces.lw­whe­alt­hli­bra­ry.c­om­/bo­ok.a­sp­x?b­ook­id=3243