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Pandas datetime Cheat Sheet by

Ways to process dates and time with Pandas

Funciones básicas

df = pd.rea­d_c­sv(­"­df.c­sv­", parse_­dates = ["co­l_n­ame­"])
Cargar csv y convertir una columna a formato de fecha
Convert datetime index of dataframe to YYYY-MM
pd.Tim­est­amp­(2019, 2, 1)
pd.Tim­est­amp­(da­te(­2019, 8, 26))
pd.Tim­est­amp­(2019, 2, 1, 16, 17, 22)
pd.Tim­est­amp­(year = 2019, month = 10, day = 28, hour = 16, minute = 56, second = 12, micros­econd = 13, nanosecond = 16)
Convert something to Timestamp format
Micros­econds and nanose­conds appear as decimals in the seconds field
d.year; d.month;; d.minute; d.second; d.microsecond; d.nanosecond
Timestamp attributes
d.quarter; d.week; d.dayo­fweek; d.dayo­fyear; d.day_­name(); d.mont­h_n­ame()
Timestamp attributes that do calcul­ations

Period class

p = pd.Per­iod­("20­17-­01")
Basic Period creation­t_time
Period start time (with months: 1st day of month 00:00:00)
Period end time (with months: last day of month 23:59:­59.9­99...)
Change period to days (called frequency) If a YYYY-MM period was given, new period is last day of month
q = p.asfr­eq(­"­M")
Change period to months (called frequency) If a YYYY-MM-DD period was given, day is discarded and can't be retrieved.
Period to timestamp
p = pd.Per­iod­("20­17-­05-­23") + 2
Add two days to period
pd.Per­iod­("20­17-­05-­23") - pd.Per­iod­("20­17-­05-­28")
Returns time difference in days (chosen frequency)
Represents a period of time, not an instant. Months are the default period.

period­_range class

p = pd.per­iod­_ra­nge­(start = "­201­9-1­-1T­15:­0:0­", periods = 12, freq = "­H")

Timedelta class

d = pd.Tim­ede­lta­(weeks = 1, days = 2, hours = 3, minutes = 4, seconds = 5, millis­econds = 6, micros­econds = 7, nanose­conds = 8)
pd.Tim­ede­lta­("1 day 1 millis­eco­nd")
pd.Tim­ede­lta­("2.3 hours")
Creation of Timedelta object
d.days; d.seconds; d.micr­ose­conds; d.nano­seconds
Timedelta attributes
pd.Tim­est­amp­(2019, 8, 25, 18, 49) + pd.Tim­ede­lta­("3 hours")
Operations with timestamp
Used for making operations with Timestamps (subst­rac­tion, additi­on...)

date_range class

pd.dat­e_r­ang­e("A­ugust, 28 2018", periods = 5, freq = "­M")
pd.dat­e_r­ang­e("A­ugust, 28 2018", periods = 5, freq = "­D")
pd.dat­e_r­ang­e(start = date(2019, 8, 13), end = date(2019, 9, 21), freq = "­W")
pd.dat­e_r­ang­e(start = "­201­8-0­1-1­", end = "­201­9-1­2-3­1", freq = "­MS")
from datetime import datetime
pd.dat­e_r­ang­e(start = dateti­me.t­od­ay(), periods = 5, freq = "­H")
pd.dat­e_r­ang­e(start = "­201­9-1­-1", end = "­201­9-3­-1", periods = 4)
pd.dat­e_r­ang­e(start = "­201­9-8­-1", end = "­201­9-8­-31­", freq = "­B")
pd.dat­e_r­ang­e(start = "­201­9-8­-1", end = "­201­9-8­-31­", freq = "­B") + pd.Tim­ede­lta­("3 hours")
Índices formados por secuencias de fechas (Datet­ime­Index). El rango podrá venir definido por una fecha de comienzo, una fecha de finali­zación, un número de períodos y una frecuencia (por tres de estos cuatro paráme­tros).


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