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Games Development 1 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Games Agent Loop

Sense - >
Think - >
Act - >
Back to beginn­ing< - Memory
Sensing Obtains inform­ation through vision, hearing, commun­ication and touch Examples Hearing - Ambient noise, surfaces and occlusion Vision - Objects within viewing distan­ce/­angle of agent Commun­ication - Commun­icate with other agents Thinking Decision making - Taking a condit­ion­/input Reasoning - Combin­ation of knowledge and input Ration­ality - Action Examples Pathfi­nding Finite State machines Production rules Acting Carry out the results of the decision Examples Change location Play animat­ion­/sound effect Use a weapon Memory­/le­arning Avoid having to repeat a calcul­ation and predict future outcomes. Also improve agent reasoning. Data doesn't have to be stored in game agent. Can be stored in world's data structure.

Game Agent Types

Reflex Agents - Respond immedi­ately
Goal-based Agents - Act to achieve their goals
Utilit­y-based agents - Try to maximise their own happiness


Autonomy -
Self Governing
Agent -
Anything that can be viewed as perceiving its enviro­nment through sensors and action upon that enviro­nment through actuators


A machine which models states, transi­tions between states and actions.
Box - Represents state
Line - Transition
Arrow with dot at end - Start state
Arrow with dot and circle - End State


Crash and Turn
Simplest form of pathfi­nding
Crash into obstacle and move left or right
Breadth First
Expands nodes closest to start node
On the grid we examine the starting location, followed by one square, two squares away and so on.
1. Create open and closed list
2. Push initial state onto open list
3. Until goal state is found or open list is empty do:
a) Remove first element from openlist and call it current
b) If open list is empty return failure and quit
c) If current is goal return success and quit
d) For each rule that can match current do:
i) Apply rule to generate new state
ii) If new state and not already been visited, push new state on end of open list
Add current to closed list

3D Modelling

Computer games use 3D modelling tools to generate their content. e.g. Alias Maya, 3DS Max
Export in .X files to make them compatible for games

Game Loops and Timing

Game loop s render a static image of a scene. Objects are moved slightly on each iteration.
If there is no timing the loop will render as fast as possible
Variable timing - Time the game loop
Fixed timing - A constant value is chosen e.g. 0.02s (50fps)

Physics Engines

Rigid body - Repres­ent­ation of collision volume of an object
Joint - Represents a constraint on a body.
Hinge - Door opening and closing (1 axis)
Ball and socket joint - Shoulder movement (3 fixed axes)