Everything you need to know about this module for the exam
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Way of sorting data |
Data Structure |
Last in First Out (LIFO) |
Push Back - Add item to top of stack |
Pop Back - Remove item from top of stack |
Variables which point to a space in memory |
int* ptr = new int;
delete ptr;
Value objects are pushed onto the stack. |
int i = 4;
float j = 3.4f;
double k = 7.8;
char l = 'h';
Big O
Expresses the efficiency for an algorithm |
Can express worst, average or best case |
Mathematical analysis |
Measure of computational resources |
Example: O(n^2) takes longer than O(2n) |
Base 2 is assumed (NOT 10) |
So logn is log2n |
log2n = a |
is Equivalent to |
2^a = n |
Linked Lists
Object is held in a black of memory |
An instance of a class includes a pointer to another instance of the same class |
[]-> []-> []-> |
Last in First Out (LIFO) |
2 Classes are used |
The end of the list is 0 |
Push Front method
1. 'Head' points at 0
2. Create a new element
3. Set 'next' pointer of new element to point at head
4. Set 'head' to point at new element
Function which is saved in memory |
Usually used for smaller helper functions |
Speeds up compile time but results in more memory being used up |
Object created with the new
keyword are pushed onto the heap |
Change the data type of a variable to another |
float var1 = 34.8f;
int var2 = static_cast<int>(var1);
int i = 4;
char ptr = reinterpret_cast<char>(&i);
Generic Programming |
template <classT> void trivial(T term)
A Function that calls itself |
Hard to debug |
Better to use loop in most cases |
- Function Call - carry out operations
- Place state of function onto stack
- Call Recurse function - carry out operations
- Place state of recurse function onto stack
- Call the recurse of the recurse function etc.
Quick Sort
Very Efficient Algorithm |
Uses Recurision |
Big O Notation - O(nlogn) |
- If array is NOT empty
- Choose a number is act as a pivot (usually rightmost element)
- Partition the array into 2 sections
- If a number is smaller than pivot move into first section
- Else move into second section
- Recurse for both sections until you have one element left
Hash Table
Array type Data Structure |
Fast storage/retrieval method |
Generates integer value |
Example: Turns name into a number which is the index of the array |
Big O Notation - O(1) - Very Fast |
Hashing Methods |
Linear Probing |
Search for an empty space using linear search |
Quadratic Probing |
Searching for an empty space making larger steps |
e.g. 1, 4, 9, 16... rather than 1,2,3,4... with linear probing |
Chained Hash Table |
Each location is head of chain |
Each location has associated linked list |
Retrieval means chain must be searched |
Each location is effectively a bucket |
Open Address Hash Table |
All keys are stored directly in the table |
Everything gets stored in table |
Collisions resolved by probing |
Avoid making the hash table larger than 80% capacity to avoid collisions
Changing the binary bits in a variable |
x = x << 1; //Shift bits left by 1
12 is in binary 0000 1100
Shifting left by 1 changes it to
0001 1000 which is 24
a > b ? max = a : max = b; |
Is equivalent to |
if ( a > b ) max = a; else max = b; |
Deep Copy
Copy of object and any dynamically allocated memory pointed to by the object |
Function Pointers
Used for pointing at function calls |
#include <functional>
int foo(float a, float b);
std::function<int(float,float)> fp; //points at function which returns an int and has 2 float parameters
fp = &foo;
Shallow Copy
Copy of Object but not any dynamically allocated memory pointed to by the object |