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iot Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Code explan­ation

package org.mozilla.iot.webthing.example;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.mozilla.iot.webthing.Action;
import org.mozilla.iot.webthing.Event;
import org.mozilla.iot.webthing.Property;
import org.mozilla.iot.webthing.Thing;
import org.mozilla.iot.webthing.Value;
import org.mozilla.iot.webthing.WebThingServer;
import org.mozilla.iot.webthing.errors.PropertyError;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.UUID;

//Declaration of class
public class SingleThing {
    //Creates an object of class Thing which used to control a lamp
    public static Thing makeThing() {
        Thing thing = new Thing("urn:dev:ops:my-lamp-1234",
                                "My Lamp",
                                new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("OnOffSwitch",
                                "A web connected lamp");
        //Creates a json structure
        JSONObject onDescription = new JSONObject();
        //Adds entries to the json structure
        onDescription.put("@type", "OnOffProperty");
        onDescription.put("title", "On/Off");
        onDescription.put("type", "boolean");
        onDescription.put("description", "Whether the lamp is turned on");
        //Adds the json structure to thing object as a property
        thing.addProperty(new Property(thing,
                                       new Value(true),
         //Creates a json structure
        JSONObject brightnessDescription = new JSONObject();
        //Adds entries to the json structure
        brightnessDescription.put("@type", "BrightnessProperty");
        brightnessDescription.put("title", "Brightness");
        brightnessDescription.put("type", "integer");
                                  "The level of light from 0-100");
        brightnessDescription.put("minimum", 0);
        brightnessDescription.put("maximum", 100);
        brightnessDescription.put("unit", "percent");
        //Adds the json structure to thing object as a property
        thing.addProperty(new Property(thing,
                                       new Value(50),
         //Creates a json structure
        JSONObject fadeMetadata = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject fadeInput = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject fadeProperties = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject fadeBrightness = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject fadeDuration = new JSONObject();
        //Adds entries to the json structure
        fadeMetadata.put("title", "Fade");
        fadeMetadata.put("description", "Fade the lamp to a given level");
        fadeInput.put("type", "object");
                      new JSONArray(Arrays.asList("brightness", "duration")));
        fadeBrightness.put("type", "integer");
        fadeBrightness.put("minimum", 0);
        fadeBrightness.put("maximum", 100);
        fadeBrightness.put("unit", "percent");
        fadeDuration.put("type", "integer");
        fadeDuration.put("minimum", 1);
        fadeDuration.put("unit", "milliseconds");
        fadeProperties.put("brightness", fadeBrightness);
        fadeProperties.put("duration", fadeDuration);
        fadeInput.put("properties", fadeProperties);
        fadeMetadata.put("input", fadeInput);
        //Adds the json structure to thing object as an action
        thing.addAvailableAction("fade", fadeMetadata, FadeAction.class);

        JSONObject overheatedMetadata = new JSONObject();
                               "The lamp has exceeded its safe operating temperature");
        overheatedMetadata.put("type", "number");
        overheatedMetadata.put("unit", "degree celsius");
        thing.addAvailableEvent("overheated", overheatedMetadata);
        //returns the thing object with the added project
        return thing;
     //Startpoint for the program
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Creates an object of thing and the needed properties are added
        Thing thing = makeThing();
        WebThingServer server;

        try {
            // If adding more than one thing, use MultipleThings() with a name.
            // In the single thing case, the thing's name will be broadcast.
            server = new WebThingServer(new WebThingServer.SingleThing(thing),
            //Hook is added so the program can be shut down
            Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
                public void run() {
            //Starts the server and if something unexpected happens it prints the error and then exits {{nobreak}}
              the program
        } catch (IOException e) {
Comments are in code

Packet Tracer

1) Set up the wired network with connecting FashEt­hernet0 on PC to Home Switch
2) Set up the wireless network with DHCP on the Home Gateway
3) Connect IoT devices to the network; Connect the Coffee Pot with FastEt­hernet0 by DHCP to the existing network
4) To access IoT remotely it needs a server address, user name and password.
5) IoT can be accessed remotely with a web browser, the address, user name and password