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Joe C's Bootstrap 3 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Bootstrap 3 Fundamentals

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Basic Bootstrap CSS Classes

Styling headings and body copy
.lead (style content to stand out)
Modifying alignment, transf­orm­ation, and abbrev­iations
.text- right
Using blockq­uotes
<bl­ock­quo­te> w/ <fo­ote­r> (for author)
<bl­ock­quo­te> w/ .block­quo­te-­reverse
Working with list styles
.dl-ho­riz­ontal (for dictionary lists)
Styling Code
<kb­d> (Keyboard shortcut)
<va­r> (for indicating variables)
<pr­e> (for multiple lines of code)
<pr­e> w/ .pre-s­cro­llable (for much longer code)
<sa­mp> (sample output from a program)
<p>­<abbr title=­"­United States Air Force" class=­"­ini­tia­lis­m"> USAF</­abb­r><­/p>

<va­r>y­</v­ar> = <va­r>m­</v­ar>­<va­r>x­</v­ar> + <va­r>b­</v­ar>

Non-Ty­pog­raphy Bootstrap CSS Styles

Working with Bootstrap Buttons
.btn btn-de­fault
.btn btn-pr­imary
.btn btn-su­ccess
.btn btn-info
.btn btn-wa­rming
.btn btn-danger
Further Bootstrap Button Subclasses
disabl­ed=­"­dis­abl­ed" (attri­bute)
Table Styles
.table (use w/ <ta­ble> HTML element)
Further Bootstrap Table Subclasses
.table­-re­spo­nsive (use w/ .container
surrounding table)
Image Classes
.img-r­esp­onsive (can use with .cente­r-b­lock)
Helper Classes
.invisible (opacity becomes zero)
Responsive Utility Classes
Visibi­lity: visible or hidden
Size: xs, sm, md, lg, print
Display: block, inline, inline­-block, print (not necessary if visibilty is hidden)
Bootstrap Buttons work with <a>, <button>, <input>

<button class="btn btn-default" disabled="disabled">

.pull-left/right don't work with navigation elements. You must use .navbar-left/right

.text-hide comes in handy when, for example, you want to replace some headers with some images while retaining the text for SEO or semantic purposes