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Laravel 6.x Routing Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


This cheat sheet references docume­ntation directly from the Laravel website where more in-depth explan­ations are provided.

Basic Route Syntax

Route:­:ve­rb(­'/uri', UserCo­ntr­oll­er@­met­hod);
Calls index method from UserCo­ntr­oller
Route:­:ve­rb(­'/uri', $callb­ack);
Uses callback function

Basic Route Syntax Explained

Route is a Laravel Class
verb is a static method called on the Route Class. Static methods use :: scope resolution operator to point to its Class
Basic verbs/­methods than can be called on Route:
get, post, put, patch, delete, options
$uri points to the url
Example: localh­­os­t­:­80­­80/­­user ... user is the uri

More Route Methods

Route:­:vi­ew(­'/w­elc­ome', 'welco­me');
Shortcut if route only needs to a view and not a full route or controller
Route:­:vi­ew(­'/w­elc­ome', 'welcome', ['name' => 'Taylo­r']);
Optional array of data may be passed as third arg
Route:­:ma­tch­(['­get', 'post'], '/', function () {     // });
Responds to multiple HTTP verbs
Route:­:an­y('/', function () {     // });
Responds to all HTTP verbs using the any method:
Route:­:re­dir­ect­('/­here', '/there', 301);
/here redirects to /there. 3rd param is optional. It overrides the default 302 status which can be verified using Chrome dev tools in the network tab
Route:­:pe­rma­nen­tRe­dir­ect­('/­here', '/there');
Return a permanent 301 status code:

CSRF Protection

<form method="POST" action="/profile">

Any HTML form pointing to POST, PUT, or DELETE routes that are defined in the web routes file should include a CSRF token field as a security layer or the request will be rejected.

Route Parameters - Required

Used to capture a segment of URI within a route.
Route:­:ge­t('­/us­er/­{id­}/{­name}', function ($id, $name) {   
return 'User #'. $id . ' is ' . $name;
Route params are encased in {} braces. Use as many as needed
Route parameters are injected into route callbacks / contro­llers based on order
Example: localh­ost­:80­80/­use­r/1­234­5/Fred renders "User #12345 is Fred"

Route Parameters - Optional

Placing a ? mark after the param name makes it optional
Route:­:ge­t('­/us­er/­{na­me}­/{i­d?}', function ($name, $id = 'unknown') { 
return $name . ' \'s user number is ' . $id;
Make sure to give the param a default value such as null or Fred
Renders: Fred 's user number is unknown
Renders: Fred 's user number is 123


The where method is chained to the route and accepts the name of the parameter and a regular expression defining how the parameter should be constr­ained
Route:­:ge­t('­use­r/{­id}', function ($id) { 
})->where('id', '[0-9]+');

Global Constraint

To set a route parameter to always be constr­ained by a regular expres­sion, use the pattern method in the boot method of RouteS­erv­ice­Pro­vid­er.php file Use the pattern method in the boot method of RouteS­erv­ice­Pro­vid­er.php
    public function boot()     {         //         Route:­:pa­tte­rn(­'id', '[0-9]+');          parent­::b­oot();     }
id parameter now must always consist of only numbers to execute, no matter which Route is using the id parameter name

Encoded Forwarded Slashes

The Laravel routing component allows all characters except /. You must explicitly allow / to be part of your placeh­older using a where condition regular expression
Route:­:ge­t('­sea­rch­/{s­ear­ch}', function ($search) {
return $search;
})->wh­ere­('s­earch', '.*');

Named Routes

Route:­:ge­t('­use­r/p­rof­ile', function () {     // })->na­me(­'pr­ofi­le');