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Anthropoligical Research Methods Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Types of research Methods

Partic­ipant observ­ation: requires that a researcher participae in a social event that is a part of a specific culture; the goal is to be involved in the culture like a member of that society
Non-pa­rti­cipant observ­ation: researcher enters the society but has limited intera­ction with the people observed ; bias can result from resear­cher's opinion
ethnog­raphic method: systematic approach using a broad to narrow aprroach; observ­ati­on-­->n­on-­par­tic­ipant -->­par­tic­ipant
compar­itive method: uses more quantative data; compares cultures to one another looking for patterns, simili­arties, and differ­ences
triang­ulation method: combining methods to invest­igate a single topic; EX: using partic­ipant observ­ation and ethnog­raphic method

Interviews vs Questi­oniares

CONS: Expensive and takes time
CONS: limits bakground knowledge
PRO: learn more detailed about history and culture
PRO: cheap and easy

Qualit­stive vs Quanti­tative

Qualit­ative defini­tion: what you see, observe, and describe
Quanti­tative defintion: what you measure, statis­tics, and mathem­atical data


measurent Bias: researcher can get lies and exager­ations; its how you collect data
Sampling Bias: there is not enough time; it doesn't cover enough subjects; researcher usully skips little aspects

Why do people observe?

1) if there is a social problem within a culture EX: online bullying
2) to create an improvment EX: poverty
3) to learn about a group

partic­ipant vs nonpar­tic­ipant