Uses of ところUses of ところUses of ところ
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
ところ Patterns
1. V-るところだ |
"I’m about to…" |
2. V-ているところだ |
"In the process of…; In the middle of..." |
3. V-ていたところだ |
"I’ve been doing…" |
4. V-たところだ |
"I just finished doing…" |
5. V-よう + としていたところだ |
"I was about to…" |
6. V-るところだった |
"I almost/nearly…" |
7. V-たところで |
"Although/Even if…" (same with V-ても) |
8. い/な-Adj + ところ
(Noun) の + ところ
The time when... (with emphasis on the state of being) as opposed to the emphasis on the time when we use 時
9. It modifies verbs, adjectives, and nouns. In plain speech, it shortens to とこ.
❗️❗️Note: For patterns of using ところ、it is common to use the words (to emphasize the now-ness of the action):
ちょど今:just now
"The time when... (state of being)"
Formation: |
"The time when..." (with emphasis on the state of being) as opposed to the emphasis on the time when we use 時 |
い/な-Adj + ところ |
(Noun) の + ところ |
V-るところだ "I’m about to…" |
V-ているところだ "In the process of…; In the middle of..." |
V-ていたところだ "I’ve been doing…" |
Nuance: Emphasis is on the state of being that you have been doing awhile ago and is doing so up to now. |
私は今出かけるところだ。 I'm about to leave the house now. |
今田中さんは友達と話しているところです。Right now, Mr Tanaka is (in the midst) of talking with a friend. |
みんなは今昼ごはんを食べていたところです。 Everyone's been eating lunch. (since a while ago up to now) |
I’m about to eat dinner now. 今晩ご飯を食べるところです。 |
お母さんは今寿司を作っているところです。 My mom is in the middle of making sushi now. |
【子供達】こどもたちは今テレビを見ていたところだ。 The kids have been watching TV. |
今僕は寝るところです。I'm about to sleep now. |
僕の頭はひらた先生のように髪の毛がなくなってきて泣いているところです。 My head is like Prof. Hirata's that the hair is disappearing and now I'm crying. |
V-たところだ "I just finished doing…; just done (something) |
V-たばかり "I just did something" |
V-よう + としていたところだ "I was about to…" |
-Action literally happened a few minutes ago |
-Recently/time is relative to the speaker's feelings. If the action happened a few weeks/months/years ago, if the speaker feels like it just happened, this grammar shall be used. |
-Usually used time related words to emphasize the time. |
じろうくんは今起きたところだ。 Jiro just woke up now. |
起きたばかりですから、【食欲】しょくよくがりません。 I just woke up so I don't feel like eating yet. |
今出かけようとしていたところだ。 I was just about to go out. |
ちょうど今会社に着いたところです。 I arrived at the company just now. |
【退院】たいいんしたばかりなので、まだスポーツはできません。 I just got out from the hospital so I can't play sports yet. |
ちょうど今君に電車しようとしていたところです。 I was just about to phone you. |
結婚したばかりなのに、もう離婚してしまいました。 Even though those two just got married last year, they already got a divorce. |
今タクシを【呼ぶ】よぼうとしていたところです。 I was just about to call a taxi. |
** |
❗️❗️Note: When modifying nouns, we CANNOT use ところ, only ばかり。
Did you see the shirt that I just bought?
V-るところだった "I almost/nearly…" |
V-ます + そうになる "Almost (happened but didn't) |
そうだった / でした “I almost did something” |
Common expression: もう少しで:just a bit more |
-When そう is used in the past tense, the meaning changes to “I almost did something” in the past. |
-It almost became situation A. |
-But this is only used when talking about yourself; not the other person. |
-When you thought something is going to happen but didn’t |
-If this is used with another person, the meaning remains the same as “It looked like he/she…” |
二人は【殴り合い】なぐりあいをするところだった。 The two nearly came to blows. |
A. ねえねえ、昨日雪すごかったよね。 Hey, it snowed a lot yesterday. |
泣きそうだった / 泣きそうでした。 I almost cried. |
彼女はもう少しで死ぬところだった。 She almost (nearly) died. (Lit. Just a bit more and she would've died.) |
B.すごかったよね。 【滑って】すべって【転び】ころびになったよ! Yes, it did! I almost slipped! |
死にそうだった。 I almost died. |
【財布】さいふを忘れるところだった。 I almost forgot my wallet. |
昨日の映画を見て、【感動】かんどうして泣きそうになった。 After watching the movie yesterday, I almost cried because I was moved. |
食べちゃいそうだった。 I almost ate it. |
【餅】もちを【喉】のどに【詰まらせる】つまらせて死にそうになります。 I almost died because the mochi was stuck in my throat. |
【滑る】すべる: to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to slip
:to fail (an examination); to bomb (when telling a joke)
【転ぶ】 ころぶ: to fall down; to fall over
【詰まらせる】つまらせる:to clog; to block; to choke up; to jam; to obstruct
【殴る】なぐる:to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch
"Eventhough; even if"
V-たところで "Eventhough; even if" |
V-ても “Eventhough" |
のに “Eventhough" |
けど “Eventhough" “though” |
いくら説明したところで誰も僕を信じてくれないだろう。No matter how hard I explain, no one |
-Telling the fact in a neutral way |
-Can express your feelings like you are disappointed or frustrated or surprised |
-Telling the fact in a neutral way |
-Cannot be used at the end of a sentence |
-Can be used at the end of the sentence |
-Can be used at the end of the sentence |
あの病気はどんな薬を飲んだところで【治る】なおらないでしょう。That illness probably won't be cured even if you take meds. |
⭕️1時間待っても、来なかった。 |
早起【はやお】きしたのに。 Even though I woke up early... (It got cancelled). |
知らないけど。 I don't know, though. |
A. ポイ捨てはダメだよ。 Littering is bad. |
⭕️1時間待ったけど、来なかった。 |
A. 今から仕事に行ってくる! I`m going to work now! |
楽しかった。ちょっと寒かったけど。 It was fun. It was a little bit chilly, though. |
B. 私一人が辞めたところで、何も変わらない。 Even if I alone stopped, nothing will change. |
-Both are said in a neutral way. |
B. ねつ【熱】があるのに? Even Though you have a fever? (Surprised/Finding it strange) |
⭕️1時間待ったのに、来なかった。 |
Even though I waited for 1 hour, she didn't come. (Expresses your feeling of disappointment) |
ところ with Adjectives and Nouns
-"The time when..." (with emphasis on the state of being) as opposed to the emphasis on the time with 時 |
*ところ + を |
い-Adj + ところ(を) |
な-Adj + ところ(を) |
(Noun) の + ところ(を) |
Verb + ところ(を) |
お忙しいところをごめんなさい。 Sorry to bother you at a busy time. (Social greeting when calling upon someone) |
赤ちゃんは【危険】きけんなところをベビーシッターに【助ける】たすけられた。 The baby was saved by the babysitter from a dangerous moment. |
お【急ぎ】いそぎのところを申し訳ございません。 Sorry to bother you at a busy time. |
彼女が【踊る】おどているところを見たことがありません。 I have never seen her (in the moment of) dancing. |
ご【多忙な】たぼうなところをすみません。 Sorry to bother you at a busy time. |
田中【部長】ぶちょうは【愛人】あいじんとキスしてところを奥様に見られてしまいました。 Manager Tanaka was unfortunately seen by his wife at the moment he was kissing his lover. |
*ところ + に/へ |
い-Adj + ところ(に/へ) |
な-Adj + ところ(に/へ) |
(Noun) の + ところ(に/へ) |
Verb + ところ(に/へ) |
良いところ(に/へ/で)きましたね。一緒に食べましょう。 You came at a good time. Let's eat. |
勉強中のところ(に/へ)【突然】とつぜん【停電】ていでんになってしまった。 In the midst of studying, the power suddenly went out. |
学校に【着く】ついたとこ(に/へ)宿題を忘れたのに気づいた。 Just as I arrived at school, I realized that I forgot my homework. |
*ところ + で |
い-Adj + ところ(で) |
な-Adj + ところ(で) |
(Noun) の + ところ(で) |
Verb + ところ(で) |
今考えているところでまだ返事できません。 Because (I'm still in the process of) I'm now thinking about it, I still can't give you an answer. |
皆さんが【集まる】あまったところで始めましょう。 With everyone now gathered, let's begin. (At the point where everywhere is gathered) |
どこか【涼しい】すずしいところで休みましょう。 Let's rest at somewhere that`s cool. |
* |
【停電】ていでん:power out
ところで "By the way" other ways
-Warns the listener that a new topic is about to be said by the speaker. Used to break the listener's train of thought, gently easing the listener into the new topic. |
ところで "By the way" |
1 meaning. っていうか / てか "By the way" |
つか "By the way" |
っていうか came from と言うか meaning "anyway; or rather". |
(used by men; more informal) |
A. いま何をしていましか。What are you doing right now? |
A. いま何をしているの? What are you doing right now? |
つか、暑くねえ。By the way, isn't it too hot? |
B. 漢字を勉強しています。ところで、どうしてまだ起きていますか。 I'm studying kanji. By the way, why are you still awake? |
B. 漢字を勉強しているよ。てか、なんでまだ起きているの? I'm studying kanji. By the way, why are you still awake? |
今日は 暑いですね 。ところで、今年の夏、どこかに行く? It's hot today, isn't it? By the way, are you going somewhere this summer? |
つか、暑くねえ。By the way, isn't it too hot? |
2. meaning. っていうか "Or should I say; how should I put it..." |
はらだくんは頭がいいというか、【ずる賢い】ずるがしこいですね。 |
Harada is smart, or should I say cunning. |
そう言えば "Speaking of...; by the way..." (formal or informal; very common)** |
そういや "Speaking of...; come to think of it" |
ちなみに By the way; incidentally" (formal or informal)** |
-Used when the topic is still similar. It is still the same context but you change the point of the conversation. |
-Although そう言えば can still be used informally, you may also hear そういや (shortened)。 |
This is more like "for your (more) information" or when you add extra information to the related topic. |
-Informally, ちな can also be used (used by young people; internet) but most Japanese don't like it as it sounds stupid. |
A. このレストラン安くて美味しいよ。 Oh, this restaurant is cheap and delicious. |
へえ。そういや、晩ご飯何食べる? I see. Speaking of, what shall we eat for dinner? |
B. へえ。そういえば、晩ご飯何食べる? I see. Speaking of, what shall we eat for dinner? |
A. 女の【忍者】ニンジャはクノイチっていうんだよ。ちなみに、クノイチていう言葉は女っていう漢字を書く時にひらがなの「く」、カタカナの「ノ」漢字の「一」 を書くとこに【由来】ゆらいしているんだよ。 |
A. 車何処に止めよう。 Where should I park this car? |
Female ninjas are called Kunoichi. Incidentally, the word Kunoichi when writing the kanji for "woman", the hiragana for "ku", the katakana for "no" and the kanji for "one"all written out are the origin for the word. |
B. そう言えば、駅前の【駐車場】ちゅうしゃじょうの【料金】りょうきん上がるらしいよ。 By the way, apparently the cost of the parking lot in front of the station will go up. |
(Nuance: Etymology is not the main topic of the conversation but the person just wanted to share that info.) |
A. へえ。マジかよ。What? Seriously? |
A. キンダーのハッピーヒッポ美味しいよね。 Kinder's Happy Hippo is delicious, right? |
B. うん。ちなみに、ヒッポは日本語で【庇】かばって言うんだよ。バカっていう言葉に【似る】にているよね。 Yeah. By the way, in Japanese hippos are called "kaba". It's similar to the word "baka", isn't it? |
【ずる賢い】ずるがしこい:cunning; sly
【似る】にる:to resemble; to look like;
to be like; to be alike; to be similar; to take after