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はず "Should" subjective Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

べき / V-たほが / はず "Should"べき / V-たほが / はず "Should"

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

はず “Should; I expect” MEANINGS

Verb (dicti­onary form) + はず
V-ない + はず (Should not be; I expect is not...)
V-た + はず (I'm sure one did something; should have done...)
Noun + の
な-adje­ctive + な
1.1 meaning. “Should; I expect” is used for expect­ations, not sugges­tions or advice. It should happen based on your judgment
まさこは10­­年間­イ­ギ­リス­­に住ん­­でい­る­か­ら、­­まさこ­­は英­語­が­上手なはず。 Because Masako has been living in Europe for 20 years, she should be good at English.
てつやは【約­­束】­や­く­そく­­したか­­ら、­来るはず。 Tetsuya promised, so he is supposed to come. (Because Tetsuya promised, I expect him to come.)
1.2 meaning. "It should be; I expect; It's supposed to be" Not so sure but you hope or expect very strongly
毎日日本語を­­勉強­し­た­から­­、日本­­語【­能­力­試験­­】のう­­りょ­く­し­けん­­に【受­­かる­】­う­かるはず。/ 【合格】ごう­­かく­で­きるはず。 Because I studied Japanese everyday, I’m sure I can pass the JLPT.
毎日日本語を­­勉強­し­た­から­­、日本­­語【­能­力­試験­­】のう­­りょ­く­し­けん­­に【受­­かる­】­う­かっ­­たはず。/ 【合格】ごう­­かく­で­きるはず。 I must have passed the JLPT. (If you have already taken the exam and you don’t know the result yet)
トニーは昨日­パーテ­ィーに­いたは­ず。I'm sure Tony was at the party yesterday.

【無事】ぶじ : safety, security, peace, quiet
試験に【受か­る】うかる (don’t use potential)
試験に【合格­する】­ごうかくする (use potential)
試験に【受け­る】うける : To take an exam

はず “Should; I expect” compar­isons

V-plain + はず “I expect; supposed; should (expec­tat­ions)”
V-plain + はず "(not sure but" I expect; supposed to"
V-た + ほうがいい "­Should; had better­"
V-た + らいい...(­ですか) "­Should I?; You should..."­
-One should happen as per your judgment and expect­ations
-Not so sure but you hope or expect very strongly
-Give opinion, advise (IMPOS­ING). よ is added at the end to sound friendly
-Give/ask for sugges­tions/ recomm­end­ations (SOFTER)
明日は雨のはず。 There should be rain tomorrow.
お母さんは【­無事】­ぶじな­はずです。 My mom should be safe.
電車で行った­ほうがいい。 It's better to go by train.
-When (A) happens, it will be good. (Medium streng­th/­cer­tainty)
ミサの赤ちゃ­んは可­愛いはず。 Misa’s baby must be cute. (I expect)
有名なレスト­ランで­すから­、美味­しいはずです。 As it is a famous restau­rant, it should be delicious.
頭が痛いなら­、くす­りをの­んだほ­うがいいよ。 If you have a headache, you should take medicine.
A. 車の【鍵】か­ぎをな­くした­んです­が、ど­うした­らいいですか。 I lost my car key, what should I do?
誰もいないの­で、【­静かな­】しず­かなはずです。 Nobody is here so it should be quiet.
日本は安全だ­ったは­ずですよね。 Japan was supposed to be safe, wasn't it?
しゅうに3か­いぐら­いうん­どした­ほうがいいよ。 It's better to exercise 3 times a week.
B. 【整備士】せ­いびし­を呼ん­だらい­いですよ。 You should call a mechanic.
誰もいないの­で、【­静かな­】しず­かなはずです。 Nobody is here so it should be quiet.
先生は【教室­】きょ­うしつ­にいる­はず。The teacher should be in the classroom.
(はるきの)­気持ち­がわか­るはず。I understand how you feel (Haruki's feelings).
知ってるはず。You should know.

V-た + 【はず】 I’m sure (as I expect)

V-た + 【はず】 “I’m sure… (as I expect strongly)”
V-る + 【はずだった­/でした】 “Was supposed to (but didn’t)”
Verb Past : “I’m sure… (as I expect)”
-Used when you thought something was supposed to happen didn't.
Verb Present : “I was supposed to; I expected…”
行ったはず。 I’m sure he went.
ニューヨーク­に行く­はずだった。 I was supposed to go to New York.
息子がゴミを­出して­くれたはず。 I’m sure my son took out the trash for me.
12月にニュ­ーヨー­クに行­くはず­だった­けど、­行けなかった。 I was supposed to go to New York in December but I couldn’t go.
息子がゴミを­だずは­ずでした。 My son was supposed to take out the trash but didn’t.

はずがない vs V-ないはzy "­There 's no way"

V-ないはず "I expect there shouldn't be; I'm sure there is not..."­
はずがない "­There's no way..."­
-This is basically just the same with V-ない + はず (I'm sure; I expect that there's no...) but this grammar is stronger.
テストがないはず。 I’m sure there’s no test.
今日はテスト­がある­はずがない。 There’s no way there’s a test today.
【間違えない­】まち­がえな­かったはず。 I’m sure I didn’t make a mistake. / I shouldn’t have made a mistake.
【間違えた】­まちが­えたは­ずがない。 There is no way I made a mistake.
ヘッドホンを­してい­るから­、聞こ­えないはず。 Because she’s wearing headph­ones, I’m sure she can’t hear us.
一人で【動か­せた】­うごか­せたは­ずがない。 There’s no way he could’ve moved it alone.