【中】なか:middle |
【仲】なか:relationship (esp. friendship) |
【両親】りょうしん:parents |
【親】おや:parents (informal) |
【片親】かたおや:single parent |
【二親】ふたおや:both parents (antonym of 【片親】かたおや) |
【外出する】がいしゅつする:to go out (formal) |
【出かける】出かける:to go out (informal) |
【外交】がいこう:diplomacy |
【外交官】がいこうかん:diplomat |
【海外】かいがい:overseas; abroad |
【留学】りゅうがく:studying abroad |
【観光】かんこう:sightseeing |
【観光客】かんこうきゃく:tourist |
【両替】りょうがえ:(money) exchange |
【交換】こうかんする:exchange; switching; |
【外国為替】がいこくかわせ:foreign exchange |
【合計】ごうけい:total amount |
【現金】げんきん:cash |
【通貨】つうか:currency |
【支払う】しはらう:to pay (formal) |
【払う】はらう:to pay (informal) |
たくさん:a lot (a noun but often used as an adverb or adj) たくさんの(Noun):a lot of noun |
【多く】おおく:a lot (functions as たくさん but is in written language) |
【隅】すみ:corner (when seen from the inside) |
【角】かど:corner (when seen from the outside) |
【変】へん:strange; weird (な adj; describe something weird) |
【変わった】かわった:v. unusual (past tense of かわる = to change. "Something changed and is difference from how it usually is) |
【貸す】かす:to lend (when you give something to someone and expect to get it back later) |
【借りる】かりる:to borrow (you take something from soneone and give it back later) |
【習慣】しゅうかん:habit (refers to normal or good habit that you acquire from doing something for a long period of time) |
【癖】くせ:habit (refers to a bad habit) |
【合格する】ごうかくする:to pass (an exam) (formal) |
【受かる】うかる:to pass (an exam) (casual; spoken) |
【掃除する】そうじする:to clean (scrubbing, wiping) |
【方づける】かたづける:to tidy up (to put things in their proper place) |
【選ぶ】えらぶ:to choose (to select one or more things from a list of available options) |
【決める】きめる:to decide (when you come to a conclusion after carefully considering all the available options) |
【断る】ことわる:to refuse; decline (a proposal; invitation after considering it) (Politely decline something) |
【拒む】こばむ:to refuse; decline (flatly decline something in a very direct way that you don't want to do something. Also used to decline something that is mandatory) |
【本日】ほんじつ:today (present/day); formal/written |
【今日】きょう:today (now/day); casual and formal |
【注意する】ちゅういする:to be careful/be mindful (formal) |
【気を付ける】きをつける:to be careful (informal) |
ありがとう:thank you (standard japanese) |
おおきに:thank you (kansai dialect) (おおきに comes from the abb of おおきにありがとう meaning “thank you very much”. This is an adv form of 大きな which means greatly of very much.) |
【未来】みらい:future (very far future-objective) |
【将来】しょうらい:(subjective-personal) in the future |
【覚える】おぼえる:to memorize (general memorization often through experience or exposure) |
【暗記】あんきする:to memorize (intentional memorization through constantly repeating the same thing. eg. exams, etc.) |
始める:to start (casual) |
【開始】かいしする:to begin (formal) |
【諦める】あきらめる:to give up (e.g. life, etc) |
【譲る】ゆずる:to give up (e.g. one's seat) |