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Difference between words Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Difference between words Difference between words

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

To carry

【持つ】 もつ
【持ち運ぶ】 もちはこぶ
【持ち歩く】 もちあるく
【運ぶ】 はこぶ
To hold something. Can be used as carry when the location is not mentioned in a sentence.
To carry something from one place to another.
To carry something convenient for you to use (carry something to somewhere and use it. i.e. Portable things).
To carry something with you (Always carry around and take it with you).
このバッグ持­ちます­。I’ll carry this bag.
この【椅子】­いす【­二階】­にかい­に運びます。 I’ll carry this chair to the second floor.
このパソコン­は持ち­運ぶの­に【便­利】べ­んりです。 This laptop is convenient to carry around.
私は【財布】­さいふ­をいつ­も持ち­歩きます。 I always take this wallet with me.


【突然】 とつぜん
【急に】 きゅうに
When something unexpected happens in an instant.
When what you can expect happens earlier than you expected.
Used when you suddenly jump over the order of things. Cannot be used with 突然 and 急に
突然、空に大­きな虹が出た。 A big rainbow suddenly appears in the sky.
中学生の弟は­、今年­急に【­背】せ­いが【­伸びる­】のびた。 My younger brother, who is in junior high school, has grown a lot this year.
田中さんは、­小学校­を卒業­したあ­と、い­きなり­大学に­【進学­】しん­がくし­たそうだ. It seems that after graduating from elementary school, Tanaka-san went straight to univer­sity.
【伸びる】の­びる:to stretch; to extend; to lengthen; to grow (of hair、 height、 grass、 etc.)
【進学】しんがく : ALS; entering a higher­-level school, esp. going on to university
(Nuance: It is unpred­ictable that a big rainbow appears and is momentary. What’s more, it’s something you can’t control.)
(Nuance: It is predic­table that junior high school students will grow taller. It is expected that they will grow taller but he grew faster than I expected.)
(Nuance: Normally, after graduating from elementary school, you proceed in the order of junior high school, middle school, university and so on. However, you can use this grammar in the sense that you have jumped in the order of things.)

Maybe; Probably

もしかしたら / もしかすると
Indicates possib­ility. しれない can be omitted but when you are going to add another sentence、 you have to put かもしれない。
Higher probab­ility. Usually at the beginning of the sentence or in the middle. Never at the end of the senten­ce. ­Cannot use to speculate listener’s thoughts or feelings. But can be used to speculate the third party’s feelings or thoughts. Can be used alone but sounds very casual.
Formal way of saying, "­May­be". ­Used in a business setting. 
Should both be understood as 'perhaps' or 'maybe' rather than probably. Given the hint in the name - もし means 'if'. Note that this is not used in a business setting as it sounds childi­sh. ­This is usually used with かもしれません。 Sentence must not end with もしかしたら、 but with かもしれません。
あめがふるか­もしれ­ないか­ら、か­さをも­って行­ったほ­うがいいよ。 You should take an umbrella with you because it might rain.
❌多分【疲れ­ている­】つか­れている。 You are probably tired. / You must be tired. (You cannot use it with feelings)
おそらく10­0まん­えんに­なると­思います。 I think it will probably be 1 million yen.
もしかしたら­イギリ­ス人じ­ゃないかな。 I think he's probably British.
⭕️【疲れて­いる】­つかれ­ている­でしょう。 You are probably tired. / You must be tired.
多分違います。 That's probably wrong.


"­Tig­ht" literal transl­ation.
"­Dif­ficult; imposs­ible; not doable­"
"­Hard; tough" (e.g. Work, schedule, life, emphathize someone)
Can be used in both situations wherein  難しい and 大変 is used.
このズボン、­きつく­て入らない。 These trousers are too tight to fit in.
【数学】すうがく、 【物理】ぶつ­り、日­本語は­私にと­って本­当に難­しいですよね Math, Physics, Japanese are really difficult for me.
一人で【運ぶ­】はこ­ぶのは­大変です。 It’s hard to carry it by myself. (Compl­aining it's hard but I'm not saying it's not possible)
仕事がきつい­。Work is hard.
一人で【運ぶ­】はこ­ぶのは­難しいです。 It’s difficult (impos­sible) to carry it by myself. (Not doable)
大変ですね。 That must be hard. / That sounds rough (for you).
ああ、きつい­!しんどい! Ahh, rough/­tough! Exhaus­ting.
A. これ、1時間­でやれる? Can you get this done in an hour?
B. 難しいです。/ きついです。/ ちょっときつい。 It’s difficult / impossible / it's a bit tough (impos­sible).
A. きつい仕事の­あと何をする? What fo you (like to) do after tough work?
B. 私はプチ 仕事の後 おかしいよ 食べます。そ­してズ­ボンも­きつく­なります。 I (perso­nally) eat snacks after a tough work. And my trousers get tighter.


(Verb-­plain) + ことがある
-Used when an action sometimes happens.
-Used when an action sometimes happens.
-Adverb; placed anywhere before the verb it applies to
-Placed at the end of a sentence
-Used in daily life
-Used more often in formal settings
時々映画館に行く。I sometimes go to the cinema.
映画館に行く­ことがある。I sometimes go to the cinema.
❗️❗️Di­ffe­ren­ce:The frequency of 【時々】ときどき in which you do something is higher than (Verb-­plain) + ことがある as 時々 simply means "­som­eti­mes­" whilst (Verb-­plain) + ことがある means "The occurence of (verb) exist"


【焦る】 あせる
“To get dented / to feel down; to be bummed­”Us­ually used in Hiragana but can also be used in Kanji. Kanji has dent in it so it is easily be rememb­ered.
“To feel down; to feel depressed”
"To panic; to get flustered; to be in a hurry"
A. どうしたの?­What’s wrong?
落ち込んでいる。/ 凹んでる。 I’m feeling down. / I’m feeling bummed.
焦っている。 I'm panicking. (You feel stressed out when somebody commands you to be hurry)
B. 欲しかったピ­カチュ­ウのぬ­いぐる­みが売­り切れ­で、凹んでる。 The Pikachu plush I wanted is sold put and I’m feeling down/I’m bummed.
焦らないで / 焦らなくていいよ。 Don't panic. / No need to rush.
A. そんなにへこ­まないでよ。 Don’t be so bummed out.
焦らなくていいよ。 / あわてなくていいよ。 Don't panic. / No need to rush.
【無くした】­なくし­たかと­思って­、【焦­った】­あせった。I thought I lost it (but I didn't) and I panicked.
【壊した】こ­わした­かと思­って、­【焦っ­た】あせった。 I panicked because I thought I broke it (but I didn’t).

【嫌い】 きらい vs 【嫌】 いや

【嫌い】 きらい
【嫌】 いや
1. 1 Permanent dislike of something
1.1 Finding someth­ing­/some situat­ion­/some manner that is disagr­eeable to you, making you unable to accept it.
私は納豆が嫌いだ (I don’t like natto) You are stating a permanent dislike for the sticky delight natto.
この会社で働­くのはもう嫌だ (I don’t like working at this company anymore!) You had a really bad day, and are expressing your hate for working at your company. Everything about it you find disagr­eeable and don’t want to work there anymore.
1.2 The opposite of 好き
1.2 A refusal of, a rejection of, a denial of…
A. 私とデートし­てください (Please go out on a date with me!) Pre
pare to get rejected and expect to hear: 嫌です!
1.3 Not liking
1.3 Not wanting
嫌い (and 好き) relate towards your plus/minus feelings of something or someone. 嫌 also has a meaning of 嫌い, but while 嫌い is your general feeling towards something, 嫌 includes more of a sponta­neous and negative decisi­on/­rea­ction. And when 嫌 is involved with some sort of action or occurr­ence, you are including your feeling of refusal, denial, or rejection towards that action.


【仲】なか:­rel­ati­onship (esp. friend­ship)
【親】おや:­parents (informal)
【片親】かた­おや:­single parent
【二親】ふた­おや:both parents (antonym of 【片親】かたおや)
【外出する】­がいし­ゅつする:to go out (formal)
【出かける】­出かける:to go out (informal)
【海外】かい­がい:­ove­rseas; abroad
【留学】りゅ­うがく­:st­udying abroad
【両替】りょ­うがえ­:(m­oney) exchange
【交換】こう­かんす­る:e­xch­ange; switching;
【外国為替】­がいこ­くかわ­せ:f­oreign exchange
【合計】ごう­けい:­total amount
【支払う】し­はらう:to pay (formal)
【払う】はらう:to pay (informal)
たくさん:a lot (a noun but often used as an adverb or adj) たくさんの(­Noun):a lot of noun
【多く】おおく:a lot (functions as たくさん but is in written language)
【隅】すみ:­corner (when seen from the inside)
【角】かど:­corner (when seen from the outside)
【変】へん:­str­ange; weird (な adj; describe something weird)
【変わった】­かわった:v. unusual (past tense of かわる = to change. "­Som­ething changed and is difference from how it usually is)
【貸す】かす:to lend (when you give something to someone and expect to get it back later)
【借りる】か­りる:to borrow (you take something from soneone and give it back later)
【習慣】しゅ­うかん­:habit (refers to normal or good habit that you acquire from doing something for a long period of time)
【癖】くせ:­habit (refers to a bad habit)
【合格する】­ごうか­くする:to pass (an exam) (formal)
【受かる】う­かる:to pass (an exam) (casual; spoken)
【掃除する】­そうじ­する:to clean (scrub­bing, wiping)
【方づける】­かたづ­ける:to tidy up (to put things in their proper place)
【選ぶ】えらぶ:to choose (to select one or more things from a list of available options)
【決める】き­める:to decide (when you come to a conclusion after carefully consid­ering all the available options)
【断る】こと­わる:to refuse; decline (a proposal; invitation after consid­ering it) (Politely decline something)
【拒む】こばむ:to refuse; decline (flatly decline something in a very direct way that you don't want to do something. Also used to decline something that is mandatory)
【本日】ほん­じつ:­today (prese­nt/­day); formal­/wr­itten
【今日】きょ­う:today (now/day); casual and formal
【注意する】­ちゅう­いする:to be careful/be mindful (formal)
【気を付ける­】きを­つける:to be careful (informal)
ありがとう:­thank you (standard japanese)
おおきに:thank you (kansai dialect) (おおきに comes from the abb of おおきにありがとう meaning “thank you very much”. This is an adv form of 大きな which means greatly of very much.)
【未来】みら­い:f­uture (very far future­-ob­jec­tive)
【将来】しょ­うらい­:(s­ubj­ect­ive­-pe­rsonal) in the future
【覚える】お­ぼえる:to memorize (general memori­zation often through experience or exposure)
【暗記】あん­きする:to memorize (inten­tional memori­zation through constantly repeating the same thing. eg. exams, etc.)
始める:to start (casual)
【開始】かい­しする:to begin (formal)
【諦める】あ­きらめる:to give up (e.g. life, etc)
【譲る】ゆずる:to give up (e.g. one's seat)


【友人】ゆう­じん:­friend (formal)
【友達】とも­だち:­friend (informal)
【親友】しん­ゆう:­close friend; best friend
【遂に】つい­に:F­inally! (formal; written)
とうとう:F­inally! (casual)
【誘う】さそ­う:i­nvite (someone to do something together
招待する】し­ょうた­いする­:invite someone to an event which you are hosting (formal)
【招く】まね­く:i­nvite someone to an event which you are hosting (informal)
【終わる】お­わる:­som­ething finishes by itself (intra­nsi­tive)
【終える】おえる:a subject finishes something (trans­itive)
【終わらせる­】おわ­らせる:to make (somet­hing) finish (nuance: you make an effort for the completion of something)
【列車】れっ­しゃ:­train (漢字:row car) a car that pulls the wagons forward
【電車】でん­しゃ:­ele­ctric train (漢字:el­ect­ricity train)
【汽車】きし­ゃ:train (漢字:st­eamed car)
【混雑する】­こんざ­つする:to be crowded; to be congested (carries a negative nuance that there’s too much of something) Formal
【込む】こむ:to be crowded; to be congested (carries a negative nuance that there’s too much of something) Casual; often used in daily life
【賑わう】に­ぎわう:to be crowded (to be bustling with which means that something is full of energic activity. In contrast to the other two words, this carries a positive nuance)
【覚える】お­ぼえる:to memorize (express general memori­zation often through experience or exposure)
【覚えている­】おぼ­えている:to remember
【暗記する】­あんき­する:to memorize (inten­tional memori­zation through constantly repeating the same thing eg. exams)


【危険】きけ­ん:d­anger; peril; hazard; risk
【安全】あん­ぜん:­safety; security
【失敗】しっ­ぱい:­fai­lure; mistake; blunder