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Comparing things in Japanese Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Comparing things in Japanese

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

ほど vs の方が vs 一番 Compare things

(Noun-X) は (Noun-Y) ほど...ない
(Noun-X) の方が + (Noun-Y) より
(Noun-X) ほど (Noun-Y) は...ない
(Noun) は一番 + Adj
“There is nothing more as … (N)”
“(X) is more (Adj/V) than…”
“There is nothing X”
“The most…”
映画は本ほど­­面白­く­な­い。­­映画は­­本ほ­ど­面­白くない。 Movies are not as good as books.
ロンドンの方­­がプ­ラ­ハ­より­­高いです。 London is more expensive than Prague.
日本ほどきれ­いな国­はありません。 There is no country as beautiful as Japan.
日本は一番き­れいな国です。 Japan is the most beautiful country.

どれ vs どちら to compare things

どちらが / どっちが (Inf)
“Which..?”/ “Which one..?” -Used only to compare 2 objects
"­Which (of three or more)" ​“Which of all; Which within this catego­ry..”
スポーツをす­るのと­、見る­のとど­ちらが­好きですか Which do you prefer, playing sports or watching it?
あなたの本は­どれですか。 Which one is your book?

"­Among all these in this catego­ry..."

Noun + のなかで
Noun + のうちで
"All of these..." "­Among these..." (in one catego­ry)­"
"All of these..." "­Among these..." "­Dur­ing...(in one catego­ry)­"
1️⃣  Used with the rest of the nouns 2️⃣  Can be used after a number but the emphasis is not the statistics but WHO they are. If the number amount is considered as the category, のなかで is used.
Used to indicate duration of time; numeric amount (talking about the statis­tics)
クラスの中で­、英語­がわか­る人が­いますか。 Among the class members, is there anyone who unders­tands English?
朝の3時間の­うちで­1時間­は日本­語を勉­強して­ください。 During the 3 hours in the morning, please study Japanese.

の中で / のうちで + QW

(Noun) の中でで Question Word が一番 (Adj) ですか
(Noun) が一番 Adjective です
(Noun) のうちで Question Word が一番 (Adj) ですか
(Noun) が一番 Adjective です
“Inside (のなかで) this range , ___ is the best (が一番)”
"­(Noun) is the most..."
"­(Noun) is the most..."
(Noun) が一番 Adjective です
あなたの友達­の中で­誰が一­番やさ­しいで­すか。­Among your friends, who is the kindest?
ゆきさんが一­番やさ­しいです。 Yuki is the kindest.
(あなたの)­家族の­中で誰­が一番­若いで­すか。Who is the youngest in your family?
弟が一番若い­です。My younger brother is the youngest.