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sociology -- educational policies Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Timeline of educational policies

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


1880 - education becomes compulsory and free
1944 - Butler Education Act introduces tripartite system
1965 - Tripartite system replaced with compre­hensive schools
1967 - Educat­ional Priority Areas set up
1972 - school leaving age raised to 16

3 main aims in UK policies

economic efficiency - improving the skills of the Labour force
raising educat­ional standards
creating equality of educat­ional opport­unity


1980s - New Vocati­onalism establ­ished
1988 - Education Reform Act - national curric­ulum, selection, SATS, league tables, new types of schools, OFSTED


1997 - specialist schools set up
1997 - Education Action Zones introduces
1997 - Educat­ional Mainte­nance Allowance (EMA)
1998 - New Deal for young people
1998 - Uni fees introduced
1999 - Sure Start
2002 - Gifted and Talented initiative
2004 - Aim Higher

2010 onwards

2010 - Academies Act introduced
2010 - Aim Higher ended
2011 - EMA ended
2011 - 300 schools to be rebuilt using PFI funding
2014 - Pupil Premium introduced
2016 - Grants to support poorest through uni ended