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Thermal Energy Review Cheat Sheet by

A review of thermal energy for ch. 5


Temper­ature- the measure of hot and cold.
Specific Heat- how much it takes to raise 1g. to 1 degree Celsius
Radiation- the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves
Thermal Energy-
Conduction- the transfer of heat between two parts, caused by temp. differ­ence.
Heat- added or external energy that causes a rise in temper­ature.
Convection- the transfer of heat by the circul­ation or movement of of the heated parts of a liquid or gas.


Temper­ature- the measure of hot and cold.
Specific Heat- how much it takes to raise 1g. to 1 degree Celsius
Radiation- the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves
Thermal Energy-
Conduction- the transfer of heat between two parts, caused by temp. differ­ence.
Heat- added or external energy that causes a rise in temper­ature.
Convection- the transfer of heat by the circul­ation or movement of of the heated parts of a liquid or gas.


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