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Developing High Frequency Trading Systems Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Takeaways from Developing High Frequency Trading Systems book!

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

HFT Overall Workflow

* Get the data (market updates) from the exchange
* Make a decision based on this data
* Send orders to the exchange
* Collect answers from the exchan­ge(­can­celed, rejected, filled, or partially filled)
* Compute metrics measuring the perfor­mance of your portfolio (such as profit and loss, risk metrics, or inform­ation about the different processes of the trading system).

Trading System Archit­ecture


Trading System Archit­ecture

Gateway In Ensure the commun­ication between the trading system and the venues
Book Builder Will build the limit order book from the data collected from Gateways
Strategy Will send the order to the venues through the Order Manager
Order Manager is respon­sible for collecting all the orders coming from the strategies of the system and keeps track of the life cycle of the orders
Gateway Out Sends orders to the venues
Viewers are critical in algo trading because they provide a status of all system compon­ents, orders, trades, and the metrics you consider important to monitor your trading strategies
Command Line and Tools are in charge of starting the components of the system